my breakfast!  By 10:45 I was already hungry and I knew I was doing Jillian’s shred at lunch.  So I looked in my drawer and found these:

another deal at Big Lots!
another deal at Big Lots!
I remembered I had horseradish hummus in the fridge to make this wonderfully beige snack - it did the trick at 130 calories, 19 carbs and 3.5 fiber!
I remembered I had horseradish hummus in the fridge to make this wonderfully beige snack - it did the trick at 130 calories, 19 carbs and 3.5 fiber!

The grocery store that I frequent most, mostly because it its awesome produce, is very ethnic – each aisle is a different country!  Since I was shopping alone, I took some time to go down some of the aisles I don’t normally, and found myself on the bakery aisle.

This one popped out to me immediately!  Especially when I looked at the stats!  1 slice is 45 calories/.5 fat/6 carbs!/4 fiber!/5 protein!  But one slice said 28 grams, which is 1 ounce, and my slice when I weighed it came in at 1.6 ounces – still my slice came in at 72 calories, .8 fat and 6.4 grams of fiber – nice!

I see breakfast sammies in my future with this bread!  :D
I see breakfast sammies in my future with this bread! 😀

I ended up making a turkey breast, 2% american grilled cheese:

this cheese melts really well!
this cheese melts really well!

With a side salad of baby spinach, carrots, red pepper, green pepper, real bacon bits, raspberries and Annie’s Goddess Dressing – yum!

of course the Goddess dressing makes this!  I need to find out if I can buy this dressing by the case so it will be less expensive!  I found it ON SALE for $3.99!
of course the Goddess dressing makes this! I need to find out if I can buy this dressing by the case so it will be less expensive! I found it ON SALE for $3.99!

Lunch comes in at 416 calories, 18 fat and 32 carbs and 14.7 grams of fiber!!

Having not done any hard exercising since last Wednesday other than walking the dog, today’s Level 3 shred was really hard!  I know I’ll feel this tomorrow.  My friend and I decided to do shred on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and walk outside on Tuesdays and Thursdays to shake things up – now that the weather is nice, we should take advantage of the outdoors!

Afternoon break is over – come back tonight for Scallops and Shrimp in Saffron Sauce and Asparagus!