about Tony yet, except infectious disease stopped by today to say that a tissue that was removed from last weeks surgery has come back positive.  Have no more details than that, but I have to keep doing what I do to not drive myself crazy thinking about it. 

So until I know more I am going to try to stay positive!! 

1.5 cups homemade brunswick stew - Hannah labeled them so I didn't end up with mystery soup!
1.5 cups homemade brunswick stew - Hannah labeled them so I didn't end up with mystery soup! Doesn't look pretty but it tastes really good!
1 low carb wrap, 2.0 ounces cajun turkey and 1 ounce Alpine lace swiss cheese
1 low carb wrap, 2.0 ounces cajun turkey and 1 ounce Alpine lace swiss cheese

So lunch comes in at 519 calories, 22 fat and 31 carbs.

So send your good thoughts our way!