I am down 1.5 this week!  I weighed in at 163.5 – let’s hope it continues in this direction!

We went to bed at a decent hour last night, so I should have had no problem getting up today.  Except that there was no sound on my alarm!   Turns out if your eyes are closed and your alarm just blinks at you, that won’t wake you up! 

So in 20 minutes I took a shower, blow dried my hair, got dressed, threw all my food in a bag, packed my workout bag, brought Tony a cup a coffee and I was out the door and on time to work! 😀

So I bring you another episode of throw sh!t in a bag!

I even had to throw in my food scale!
I even had to throw in my food scale!
My mom brought over two really ripe pears yesterday, so I had to use it up!  I like this combo almost as much as the apple/cheese combo!
My mom brought over two really ripe pears yesterday, so I had to use it up! I like this combo almost as much as the apple/cheese combo!
with a small honey tangerine on the side - it had seeds though, which I normally don't like, but it was really juicy!
with a small honey tangerine on the side - it had seeds though, which I normally don't like, but it was really juicy!
  • 2 ounces french bread
  • 3 ounces sliced pear
  • .6 ounce swiss cheese
  • 3.5 ounce tangerine

Breakfast comes in at: 332 calories, 7.2 fat and 59 carbs.

My plan is to do cardio at lunch, I think I may do my interval run on the treadmill – you toggle between going 3.0 mph then pick up the speed for 1 minute, until I reach 7.5 mph the last minute.  I have a cheat sheet that I tape to the machine to keep me on track – I’ll post it at lunch.

Okay, morning break is over!  See you at lunch for a chili stuffed baked potato with cheese!