While I had planned to make lasagne for dinner tonight, it was too nice not to grill out!  So on the way home from our BWW lunch, we picked up some sirloins steaks – on sale for $3.00 a pound!

But first, I still put together my lasagne:

Tony's side on the left with ground beef, my side is zucchini and baby spinach - not sure Hannah will eat this because there is a lot of my marinara sauce, but we'll see!
Tony's side on the left with ground beef, my side is zucchini and baby spinach - not sure Hannah will eat this because there is a lot of my marinara sauce, but we'll see!

 So I lit the grill, let the tomatoes from yesterdays salsa burn off and I cleaned the grates really well.  I put the steaks on, came in the kitchen for a couple minutes and then went outside to flip the steaks – they were flaming!!!  I charred one side pretty good!

this was my small steak
this was my small steak

So I basically took them off the heat, on the cool side of the grill and kept them on for another 5 minutes.

happily, both steaks were perfectly medium rare!
happily, both steaks were perfectly medium rare!

I baked my potatoes at 400 for one hour.  The secret to a good crust is to wash the potatoes really well and let them dry completely before rubbing them with just a touch of olive oil.  I put sea salt and cracked black pepper on before they went in the oven.  Tony declared them restaurant quality!

so good!
so good!

And then I split one whole potato with Hannah:

My potato weighed in at 6.5 ounces, with 1 tsp. butter and 1/2 chopped slice of bacon
My half potato weighed in at 6.5 ounces, with 1 tsp. butter and 1/2 chopped slice of bacon

So my dinner was the 1/2 potato, 3.5 ounces of steak, and not pictured is a small spinach salad.   Dinner comes in at 497 calories, 17 grams of fat and 45 carbs.

Off to watch our guilty pleasure of the Celebrity Apprentice!   I also finished our taxes and we get some money back which is sweet! 

Hope everyone had a great Sunday – see you tomorrow!