To my nephew Bob and his soon to be wife today, Izzy!  I’ve had the pleasure to know them together since probably 2007?

bob and izzy

Sadly, I know I have much better pictures of them, but after a 10 minute search, I had to give up.  I so do not organize my photos well (that may be a good Sunday football project this fall!).

Izzy and Bob are standing to the right of Tony.  They are getting married at a JP this afternoon and we’ll be meeting them for dinner out tonight, and then going to Izzy’s parents house tomorrow night for a reception.  CONGRATULATIONS!

Round 4 of my breakfast yesterday – muffin and the last of my breakfast casserole, that I can never remember to take a picture of!

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Yesterday was Day 4 of my 12 week strength training.  As I was driving to the gym I thought “let’s just try 15 pound dumbbells today!”

Um, no – that lasted all of four reps of the dumbbell press, and I quickly moved down to 12.5 – and on the last sets of some had to drop the weight down to 10.  Turns out I don’t have many shoulder muscles!

  • Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Standing Dumbbell Straight-Arm Front Delt Raise to a “T” (up and open): 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Side Lateral Raises: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Fly: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Exercise Ball Crunches: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Air Bike: 3 sets of 12 reps

That set took me 30 minutes.

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When I was done doing the air bikes, I realized that the only time my muffin top doesn’t bother me is when it sinks in while I am lying down – ha!

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Back at the office I had the last of the Cincinnati chili (about 3/4 cup) and a turkey wrap with some strawberries.  These strawberries are probably some of the best I’ve had all year.

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When I got home from work, Tony was outside chatting with our neighbor.  I plugged in my phone because it was D.E.A.D.  I didn’t have it plugged in while I was updating the OS.  I love it!  Yep, we’ll ignore the fact that I still have 53 unread emails – I’ll catch up one of these days!

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So I missed the text message from my SIL that my PIL were picking up the rental car and headed to her house!  So I quickly made a plate of nachos for dinner – not the healthiest alternative, but it was tasty and quick!

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Tony wasn’t feeling all that great, so he stayed home to rest while I went to spend a couple hours with Jeff Tony’s family (nice catch ladies!).  It was fun to catch up.  My SIL’s dog finally has warmed up to me, although so did not want to take a picture with me – I love tiny dogs!  I have no idea why my face is so red in this pic, but it makes me laugh. Open-mouthed smile

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By the time I got home it was quarter to 10 and I still hadn’t done Insanity!  So I quickly ditched that idea.  I still had garbage to take out and my kitchen floor desperately needed cleaning so I spend the 45 minutes that I would have spent doing Insanity, doing chores instead – I kept moving though! Open-mouthed smile

Stats for the Day:

  • 30 minutes shoulders and abs at lunch
  • 1427 calories, 157 carbs, 83 protein, 54 fat and 19 fiber
  • 33% of calories from fat, 22% from protein and 43 from carbs
  • Calorie Count Grade for the Day: B

I am hoping work isn’t too busy so I can cut out early to meet Jeff’s family for the celebratory dinner.  And I have Monday off for my Mom’s 73rd birthday – so happy 3 day weekend to me!

Another gloomy day today, but the sun is supposed to shine all weekend and be in the 60s – perfect!

Question of the Day:  Did you upgrade your iPhone – any cool new tricks you discovered you might like to share in the comments?

Make it a great day!