I made the eggs in a bread roll for my mom this morning and since my rolls were slightly bigger than the ones I made last week, I ended up using about 1/3 cup egg beaters instead of 1/4 cup.   And the fact that I baked 4 at a time instead of 2 at a time, it took a long time to cook, and 3 were undercooked.   Rats!  I had to put those back in for another 10 minutes.

We decided that next time it made sense to cook the eggs separately,  then stuff the rolls and melt the cheese on top.

Each roll was about 3 ounces
Each roll was about 3 ounces


cut the tops off the rolls
cut the tops off the rolls
reserve the bread to mix with the egg beaters
reserve the bread to mix with the egg beaters
Can you tell which one is Tony's??
Can you tell which one is Tony's??
While I made the bread bowls, Hannah and Nana made a fruit salad - so refreshing!
While I made the bread bowls, Hannah and Nana made a fruit salad - so refreshing!
out of the oven!
out of the oven!

Right now I am making marinara sauce for lasagna.  Although it is so nice out, I may switch it up and grill out tonight!  

Thanks for coming over Mom – it was nice having you!  Off to clean the kitchen, do some laundry and I still need to do our taxes!! 

See you later!