Happy Monday!  While it is sunny out it is so COLD!   I had to scrape snow off of the car this morning too!   Hello, its March!  But it always reminds me when I had Hannah.  17 years ago yesterday I had Hannah’s baby shower and it was 70 degrees, we had the windows open, it was beautiful!  She was born on March 7 and we came home from the hospital on March 11 to three inches of snow!

Anywho, today’s weigh-in is exactly the same as last week – 163.  Although I am not complaining since I only worked out once last week!  The plan is to work out at least four times this week!!  Maybe if I write it I’ll actually do it! 😀

I also forgot my camera battery at home – rats!  And my breakfast was so good!  Two corn tortillas, 1/2 cup egg whites and 1/2 ounce Mexican cheese for two breakfast tacos and then a container of 0% Fage with 3 ounces of blackberries.  Breakfast comes in at 319 calories, 2 grams of fat and 36 carbs.

This is not my picture - but imagine it with more blackberries and this was breakfast!
This is not my picture - but imagine it with more blackberries and this was breakfast!

Morning break is over.  Don’t forget to leave a comment to my March 1 giveaway!  See you at lunch.