So today was the first time I tried to make fresh pasta. However, most of the recipes I saw called for a pasta machine attachment on the stand mixer (which I don’t have) or a stand alone pasta maker (again, which I didn’t have!). But there had to be a way to make it before these things were invented! You know where my go to is to find out how to make stuff? YouTube!
I put in “grandmas homemade pasta” and got several hits of old Italian ladies making pasta from scratch. The thing I love about YouTube is that you can see how its done instead of trying to sort through a recipe if you don’t know what you are doing. I did have to alter the recipe a bit (a lot!) because the initial recipe called for 3 1/3 cups flour, 4 eggs and salt. Well, my dough didn’t come together at all! So I put everything in my food processor and just kept adding olive oil and water until I got what I thought looked like the right consistency.

While I was working on this, my dough was rising for cheesy bread to go with dinner. Seriously, this is a no fail recipe! This is the third time I’ve made it and it still is so amazingly good. Hannah and Tony decided cheese should be added so I kneaded in about an ounce each of mozzarella and cheddar.

Since the pasta was fresh, it only took 3 minutes to cook. I freaked out for a second though because since the pasta was sitting on the counter while my water boiled, it was kind of one big GLOB! So I crossed my fingers and dumped the whole pile in the salted boiling water and it separated beautifully!

I am so glad that everything worked out tonight! It’s so disappointing when you spend so much time putting a meal together and it sucks, but this one is was a winner! Tony especially liked the thickness of the pasta and that it was perfectly aldente!
So I have a kitchen to clean – it’s not too bad – I am the worst when it comes to cleaning as I go! Tony’s watching boxing, so I think I’ll pour myself a glass of wine and surf the OnDemand on AT&T. Hope everyone had a good night – see you tomorrow! Um, there may be corned beef hash for breakfast!
Special thanks to Mara for helping me with my text in my header!!! I love it!!
you are my idol – seriously. You are like a queen in the kitchen! As soon as I’m done with school, I’m gonna start too – cuz I’m so inspired!
Way to go on making your pasta! It looks really good.
Wow! I bet that home-made pasta always tastes better than the store-bought!
My mom and grandma used to make home-made noodles WHENEVER we had noodle dishes, and it got to the point that my brother, who was then around 3, could tell the difference between home-made noodles and store-bought, and would refuse to eat the store-bought ones. 🙂
This really inspires me . I think I will try making my own pasta. Thanks ..
W0w!! That is just the way my grandmother used to do it. She made pasta just like that (and called it noodles). The only difference is that she let them hang out on rods over night. They were so good. I have also seen it done the same way in Italy. Good job!
That all looks amazing! That is SO cool that you made your own pasta. Love your cooking adventures.
Wow, everything looks AMAZING! I have a pasta roller, I need to get it out and use it again.
WHOA!! you certainly got ambitious, and WHAT a success! I’ve never tried home-made pasta before, but your post just gave me a huge craving for a mega plate of those lovely noodles…and buy me some pasta-machine!
That looks awesome, especially for your first time making it. Great job!
Wow!! Nice job! Way to go 🙂
I witnessed my grandmother do this sans attachment gadget too – with a rolling pin and a big knife. Then we’d have a variety of toppings with pasta for lunch – ground walnuts and apricot sauce, or poppyseed and powdered sugar. It’s the Eastern European twist on it. 🙂 I really appreciate all the photos by the way! A great way to illustrate what you are doing.
I made homemade past many, many moons ago and without a pasta maker too. I didn’t cook it right away because my recipe said to let it set out to dry over night. It was yummy too. Will try cooking it the same day next time. Looks really yummy.
Can’t beat homemade!! 🙂
Very nice! We recently attempted homemade pasta but I was scared to do it without a pasta roller, so we bought one and I’m not sure when we’ll use it again! Looks like you were more successful than we were! 🙂
I am so impressed! To make fresh pasta with some sort of machine is one thing, but to do it ALL by hand it quite the accomplishment! It looks amazing!
I saw someone make it that way on a Cooking Network show several months ago, and I’ve been meaning to try it since. This Italian woman made it look sooooo easy. I’ll definitely have to try it now, yours came out looking great! Thanks for sharing.
Oh wow! Pasta from scratch. I love make breads from scratch and do so often, but I’ve never tried pasta. I am very impressed. I think it would be fun to try.
I am seriously impressed! That looks awesome (and the bread too).
Oh my gosh, great job Biz!!
wow – homemade pasta?!?! thats insane – I have always been kind of intimidated to try making my own pasta – mostly b/c its so easy to just buy some in the store – great job though! it looks wonderful =)
I am definitely impressed! I want to try this soon.
yum Biz! Everything looks great!
WOW! I am impressed! This post was an Italian delight!
Good for you. I have yet to take my pasta maker out of the box.
amazing pasta! I’ve never tried making pasta…’s so demanding on effort, time and energy! 😀
Looks good Biz! I only used my pasta machine once when I first got married, and lets just say that was the last time I ever tried it. It turned out really gross!
Glad yours turned out!
Excuse me, where was my dinner invite?!