Okay, I may have a new favorite flavor of chobani – LEMON!  Holy shizz is that one good – slightly sweet/tart, with lemon zest.  It made for a totally refreshing breakfast parfait with fresh strawberries, pear and granola.  This one comes in at 343 calories, 1.9 fat, 63 carbs, 5.4 fiber and 21 protein.

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Here is a tip for any diabetics out there, or if you know someone who tests their blood sugar.  I recently discovered that Walgreen’s brand test strips with insurance won’t ever cost more than $15.  The tip?  Have your doctor write that you test your blood sugar 8 times a day.  You get way more test strips for the same money – I normally test mine 4 times a day, so it’s like getting twice as many test strips for the same price. Open-mouthed smile

My blood sugar was a perfect 230 before lunch.  It was cool – around 58 degrees.


I walked across the street from my office to a giant church called Willowcreek.  They have a lot of land and not a lot of car traffic.  They have this one long road and I decided to run some sprints to shake it up.  I don’t know if you can see the markers with the white tips on either side of the road – they were about 25 feet apart.  I would run one, then walk one, and I did that for 25 minutes.  With the warm up and cool down, it was a quick 50 minute workout. Open-mouthed smile


So I grilled up some shrimp when I cooked our meat the other night for lunch.  Um, note to self.  Don’t bring unpeeled shrimp to work – it was super messy getting the shells off, I should have taken the shells off at home.

I made a side salad of edamame (sp?), cucumber, yellow pepper, cilantro, lime, crushed red pepper, salt and pepper and a bit of olive oil.  It sat for a good 24 hours so I thought the flavors would have melded by the time lunch came around.  It was actually quite tasteless.  And since I was at work I didn’t have anything to add to it.  And yes, I have a random pickle on my plate – a co-worker bought hot & spicy Vlasic pickles and almost died eating them, so she brought them to me.  I don’t know where people get the idea that I like spicy shit.  Winking smile

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The cup in my salad is actually cocktail sauce for dipping.  Lunch came in at 444 calories, 16 fat, 28 carbs, 5.2 fiber and 49 protein.  The watermelon in the back was my dessert.

Over the weekend I made a pot of pasta sauce – each batch comes out differently because you never know who sweet or tart the tomatoes are going to be.  This batch?  Super tart!  Tony gave me the idea a long time ago to add carrots to a sauce to bring it around. 

I bought this pasta over the weekend – actually cheaper than Barilla!

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While I could eat regular spaghetti or cork screw pasta, Tony loves egg noodles – these held onto the sauce really well too.  My plate: 1 cup baby spinach on the bottom, 1 cup of cooked pasta, 1/2 cup of sauce and 1 link of Italian sausage – 550 calories, 20 fat, 69 carbs, 11 fiber and 23 protein.

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Thanks for all the comments on my first Inspirational Diet weigh in!  I think I just needed something else to focus on to make myself more mindful.  No snacks again at work or at home! Open-mouthed smile

Stats for Monday:

  • 1337 calories, 39 fat, 162 carbs, 22 fiber and 93 protein
  • 30 minutes Classical Stretch (before work when a deer walked through my back yard and scared the crap out of me!)
  • 50 minute walk/sprint at lunch
  • average blood sugar 137

And now for today’s inspirational video.  Make it a great day!
