Acute Bronchitis! I googled it and this is the picture I found. If I was a man, this is what I would look like coughing!
So my doctor, in an attempt to save me time, did not write out a prescription, but said he would call it in. That way it would be ready by the time I got there. He asked which pharmacy, I told him, and then left. I waited at the pharmacy for 30 minutes, of course within that 30 minute window his office closed. I came back home, kept calling the pharmacy “did he call in the prescription yet?”
Well, during my husband’s heart valve replacement a couple years ago, our doctor gave me all his numbers, even his home number! So I called him at home, while he was eating dinner with his family, I could hear him chewing! So that is when I found out he called it into the wrong pharmacy. So, problem solved. Hannah is on her way to pick it up for me.
So our Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps were a dud. I didn’t think they were that bad, because I put my spicy szechwan sauce all over that and the fried rice we made. Tony, however, did not like it at all. Sorry sweets! I think I’ll have to go back to the drawing board before I post a recipe on that one!

With a Trader Joe’s chicken egg roll:

Now Tony is watching Chuck in 3-D! It’s really cool to watch 3-D in high def!
So my doctor wants me to stay home tomorrow, drink lots of liquids (red wine is a liquid, right?) and rest (blog reading is resting!) and then Wednesday I had already taken the day off for Tony’s big check-up for his knee. So looks like Thursday is when I’ll get back to work.
Hope everyone had a good Monday – see you tomorrow!
Here’s hoping you feel better, and rest at home. I’m sure those at work are happy that they’re in a quiet office today. 🙂
Hope you feel better B! Call me at work when you can!
Thanks for all your well wishes!
And yes Charlie, its the same thing! Even Hannah reminded me when I got home and told her!
Glad you got your diagnosis and meds. Now you will see a difference. I used to get bronchitis at least twice a year and thought your symptoms sounded familiar but I haven’t had it in such a long time that I had forgotten what it was.
I’m sorry about your diagnosis, but hopefully this means you’re on the quick road to recovery! Feel better!!
Yikes!! Get well soon, Biz!!
Get well soon, Biz! I can’t believe you are still cooking…it looks great as usual.
Hey, isn’t this that same thing that kept you from doing the Chicago marathon with me?
Love the 3D glasses pic…
Hope you feel better, B!
Tony looks so way cool…. Sorry to hear about your trip to the doctor. I have not gone but I bet If I did it would not be good. Supper at least looks good!
Oh wow, glad you were able to contact your doctor. That is pretty awesome that he had given you guys his home telephone number a while back though!
And haha, Tony looks awesome!
Am with you on the red wine!
Rest up and I hope you’re feeling all better soon.
Feel better!!!
We always used to call bronchitis having a case of “brontosaurus”… appropriate, huh?
I love your boldness with the doctor! When I went for the hives they offered to call it in and I said no, I’d prefer you write it out. I like to have it in my hand, in my control. That’s just who I am.
The lettuce wraps LOOK good, at least! Better luck next time.
Enjoy your extended time off work – hope your medicine kicks in soon so it won’t be too “sick” dayish.
Get some rest and feel better soon! The lettuce wraps look yummy. Sorry they didn’t turn out the way you wanted!
Get well soon!!!
Get well soon!! Too funny about calling your doctor at home 🙂
ack! no good about the broncitis! feel better w/ your two days off!
LOL – yes, red wine DEFINITELY qualifies as a liquid – it’ll help the bronchitis – AND YOUR HEART 🙂
Yeesh, that picture is terrifying! I hope you feel better soon!