I feel SO much better after taking this stuff!  I haven’t been sick in so long I didn’t even realize that I needed to sign off that I was over 18 to buy this stuff!   I got the non-drowsy for the day and then Tylenol PM for tonight.  All I know is that I am able to do things, like grocery shopping, without having to stop and cough.  😀

Our grocery shop went great, I’ll detail in my next post.  Even including $19.99 spent on one ingredient (the 1 pound of lump crab) our groceries came to $152.07, which when you see my menu I think is great!  Not only does that include Superbowl Sunday, but also 7 complete dinners and lunchmeat for Tony’s sandwiches during the week. 

So do you ever have a jones for certain things?  Mine is gyros!  I love the fact that they take your pita and fry (i.e. soak!) the pita in butter before adding the gyros meat!   Hannah and I split one, but I ended up taking off 2 ounces of the meat, using my TJ pita and only having 2 ounces of fries, which I of course added Tabasco!

stacking my fries like that makes me think I have more!
stacking my fries like that makes me think I have more!

I just steamed my pita for  30 seconds and then put in my gyros meat – with 1 tablespoon of the cucumber sauce on the side.  Hit the spot!

524 calories, 29 fat and 50 carbs
524 calories, 29 fat and 50 carbs

Now before I would have had the whole pita, with a large fry by myself.  That version would have been 1185 calories, 64 fat and 83 carbs!  Yikes! 

What is your favorite fast food go to?

Off to clean up the kitchen so we can bring in the groceries.  Lot’s to do!  See you later. 😀