It’s basically a love love relationship with me and KFC.  I had a LONG day at work today – one of those days where you never seem to slow down?  I ended up getting home an hour late, and after I dropped off the work FedEx, KFC it was!


I ate the wing with skin – took the skin off the breast, all of the mashed potatoes, no biscuit and only about 1/4 of the cole slaw.

  • 465 calories
  • 19 fat
  • 31 carbs

My blood sugar has still been on the low side for some reason, I think maybe I’ll take a bit less insulin and see how that goes?

So with the KFC purchase, I spent $18.81, which leaves me .86 cents from my $100 grocery store challenge – not too bad with one day to go!  I have a steak in the freezer for Tony tomorrow night and Hannah and I are going to have pizza party Friday tomorrow night and I have everything for that.  Sweet!

Off to watch Thursday night t.v. – so psyched about the new Office!!