Sadly, Tony probably won’t be released until Friday at the earliest.  I guess he had kind of a rough night last night.  He’s very sleep deprived and with the pain medication, somehow felt that he needed to get out of his room last night.  So he ripped out all of his IV’s, pic line – everything!  Then he fell, but managed to get to the walker and walk all the way past the nurses station where he ended up on a sofa in the waiting room!  They immediately took him to x-ray, and luckily everything was okay.   Whew.

So he calls me at 4:40 in the morning to tell me what happened – he really has no recollection of much of it and I said “do you want me to come now?” to which he responded “no, I just needed to hear your voice.

I left the house around 8:15 this morning.  This is what my drive in to downtown looked like, so you know why it took me an hour and a half to drive 40 miles!


When I got there he was sleeping, so I just pulled out my magazines (turns out I have a few!) and read.  When I knew it was about time for Tony to get his lunch, I headed down to the cafeteria.  Again, the choices aren’t that great, but I think I did okay. 

the cup has light ranch dressing for dipping the carrots
the cup has light ranch dressing for dipping the carrots

I decided to add this to my meal for an extra $1.50!

these chicken fingers were surprisingly good!
these chicken fingers were surprisingly good!

So I get back to his room with my food.  Take my insulin and then the nurses come in to say that they are moving him to a bigger room, closer to the nurses station.  Um, okay?  It is amazing what accumulates in a hospital room when you have been there six days!  So I proceed to move his stuff from one room to the new one.  Mind you, I had already taken my insulin and not eaten anything!  So as soon as he was settled and the nurse was doing his blood pressure, I basically scarfed down my lunch to offset the insulin. 

Here is Tony’s view from his room – that’s Lake Shore Drive and Lake Michigan!


I actually thought my trip back home would be quick, but that was not the case.  It took me an hour and forty five minutes to get home tonight.  Hannah has been holding down the fort and ended up making pepperoni/shrimp pasta for dinner, except hers was sans shrimp and no sauce!

and extra red pepper flakes for me!
and extra red pepper flakes for me!

So on my long commute home, I kind of felt sorry for myself.  The 80 mile round trips to the hospital, Tony being alone when I am not there, Hannah being alone when I am at the hospital.  But then I put things into perspective as I was stuck in traffic on Irving Park Road and saw a bum, sign in hand, asking for money for food.  And even though this Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas, I am truly blessed!  I have a loving husband, wonderful kids, a roof over our head, bills are paid and we have plenty of food to eat!  I am sure there are millions of people who would jump at the chance to be in my situation!  So my pity party is over.

I plan on making a pancake/hash brown breakfast (always nice to have flour and potatoes in the pantry!) and then she and I will head to the hospital.  Tony’s parents plan on coming to visit in the afternoon too.

So I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve!