Before I begin this monster post recap, be sure to check out the Week 2 Update of our 101 Days of Summer Challenge – I love how many of you have loved the accountability of having to check in with me – we had a great week last week!
I also have to give a shout out to the lovely Erica at Itzy’s Kitchen – I won a recent giveaway of hers and received it last week but forgot to mention it – can’t wait to check it out! Thanks Erica!
The internet connection was so slow – I was beginning to think it was Hannah’s laptop, but when I used it at the airport coming home it was lightening fast. So what else is one to do but pour a glass of wine while waiting!
This was at the rental of my cousin Lynn and her husband Martin – they were so kind to let me stay there on Friday night! Here they are with my Aunt Cele at the cocktail party on Friday night.
Saturday morning before it got too hot out, I swam for about 30 minutes – I loved the pool! When I was by myself in the pool I did kicks off the side of the pool like I was on Biggest Loser! 😀
I loved all the different kinds of trees not only around the property but everywhere on the island – so different! My favorite was the magnolia trees.
Here is the prayer circle right before dinner on Saturday night – too many people to get them all in!
Luckily I had some hot sauces to chose from for my pork bbq!
It was a fun night, but I think I had more fun later that night at my Aunt and Uncle’s condo they rented for the week – that’s where I stayed the remainder of my time. We just sat up and talked about my grandparents and life in general, and as always when we get together we laugh so much! This is another example of the “unseen humor” Tony talks about!
Aunt Cele wanted bragging rights at her church – I believe 35 of us showed up for church and she was just beaming from ear to ear. One funny part was when the pastor announced “Cele you look great for 90!”
After church and lunch we headed to the beach! My cousins kids earlier were at the beach and brought home a couple dozen sand dollars, but we took them right back since they are still alive – its against the law to remove them!

My Uncle Dave just walked right in the water! I needed a little while to get used to the idea. Me and the ocean just don’t get along that well!
After a while on the beach it was time to get freshened up for my Aunt’s big birthday party! It was held at the Sea Pines Country Club.
Here I am with my cousin Karen’s daughter Kimberly – yep, I am actually wearing lipstick!
And me and Aunt Cele at the club – I hate how red my face still is!
The food was described as “heavy appetizers” and it was delicious! Everyone raved about this smoked salmon – I just loved the presentation!
I had cheese and crackers my first plate:
And then they had a pasta bar – I got broccoli, garlic, artichoke with shrimp and marinara sauce – it was really good!
I videotaped most of the toasts that night which I plan on transcribing – I’ll post those later in the week! It was a wonderful time, my Aunt was in her element the whole weekend and I hope it was everything she hoped for!
I didn’t take any pictures of our last trip to the beach. Sometimes its nice just to remember the memory in your head! My mom and I headed out around 9:00 and after 10 minutes letting the water splash our feet, we walked for 40 minutes. By the time we got back to our spot, the rest of my cousins and their spouses and kids came. I usually never go into the ocean past my knees because I got pulled by a rip tide when I was 16 and vowed I would never step foot in any ocean as long as I lived!
But this beach was different – the sand was firm and soft, and there was no pull when the waves came by – I actually went out to my neck! Of course, I never let my face go in the water but it was fun to “jump the waves!”
I had a connecting flight and my second flight was delayed two hours. Um, lets just say that Helen and I talked about it and decided that calories don’t count in an airport!

Then Tony picked me up!! I missed his lips and am glad to be home with him. Since we were right by our favorite restaurant (I can say that since I’ve been there twice now!) we stopped for dinner. I ordered a tri-colored pasta stuffed with spinach and ricotta cheese over a creamy tomato sauce. Perfection again! I am actually going to try to recreate it – I’ve made spinach pasta before, now I want to try carrot pasta!
It was nice to come home, throw my clothes in the wash, get in my comfy clothes and snuggle with Tony on the couch – pretty sure we have about 10 hours of shit on our DVD to watch!
Looking forward to catching up on what everyone has been up to – its weird not checking any blogs for 4 days!
Hope you have a great Tuesday – off to figure out my food for the day . . . not even sure what’s in the fridge!
i feel the same way about water. I never learned to swim, so when I go to the beach with friends they try to get me to go out to mid chest…I am always so nervous…there are usually 4-5 people there all saying “you will be fine” still freaks me out
That pool looks so fantastic and refreshing. I love working out in the pool because it never feels as intense as running, biking…etc.
Looks like a festive time! I’m jealous of the pool! When I swim alone, I do those same kicks! 🙂
Looks like so much fun! I’ve never tried carrot pasta, but it sounds interesting!
What a lovely time it looks like! I find when I get in to these situations, I’m happier once it’s happening than I think I’ll be.
Love the sauce choices!
Aw, what a great time with your family. You can really see that you are related to alot of the people in your photos too 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful trip. Wish I had the time and money to go see my family in California. It’s been 10 years since I’ve been out there 🙁
It looks like you had a wonderful trip! It’s so nice to go away for a little while, but I love to come home!!
That looks like such a great family reunion! Family, Food, and Fun! you can’t go wrong with those 3 things…
Wow Biz you had such a nice get away. That salmon display is incredible, I would be afraid to eat it and mess it all up! So glad you got to see so much of your family. I got pulled out to sea once, it was terrifying but we made it back just fine but I was a bit afraid and careful after that. I will check the 101 and put my update in the comments section. I missed it but I will be good and do it this week.
What great pictures!! Looks like a fabulous trip. 🙂 And NO WORRIES on the magazines – i’ll be excited when they get here! And btw – I totally owe you an update… i’m not doing too well with my goal – sad!
hey girl – thanks for stoppin by! i picked peaches as this weeks BSI. yum!
Glad you had a nice trip! Will you shoot me an email so I have yours please and thank you! I can’t find yours and haven’t been able to update you on the 101 days challenge. Thank you much!
gosh what a perfect time with family! you have the sweetest smile biz 🙂 love the wine while waiting for the internet-hee hee i must say i have done that many old times…..thanks for this challenge-it is keeping me focused 🙂
Isn’t it good to come home again??
Airport food doesn’t count, I don’t know why; it just doesn’t!!! 🙂
Sounds like you had a blast, but it’s nice to be with the other half again 🙂
Loved reading all the 101 updates! I am really proud of everyone – it’s motivating me to work harder!! And your trip sounds like fun. I loved that presentation of the heavy appetizers. Loved your BL style swim in the pool!
If I weren’t headed to my parents in a few weeks I’d be aching right abuot now after reading your post, but instead it’s just got me more excited!!
It sounds like an awesome trip – the food is so cool, the fish presentation is awesome!!
Soooo glad you had a great time-everything looks wonderful!! That poached Salmon display looks AAAAMAZING!!!
Even with the various moves and adjustments you had to make, it looks like you had a fabulous time with your family. What nice memories were made. That’s cute about your aunt getting bragging rights at church – and what a nice memory for her!
That airport food was necessary. You know, sort of like one of those things that says “Break Open in Case of Emergency.” That’s why the calories don’t count!
Wow, the heavy apps look wonderful! If I were to get married again, that’s what I would want to do! And by married again I mean renew my vows. I’m not kickin’ him to the curb yet 😉
P.S. I am doing really well on my 101 days of summer! I have managed to run 4-5 days a week for the past 2 weeks and while my goal was just 1 mile, I’ve ended up running at least 2 miles, but mostly 3-5 miles a session! Only one day was a 1-miler! Thanks Biz!
Keep up the great work Nicole – even when you weren’t feeling 100% – way to push it out! 😀
i wanna jump in that pool so badly.. just float in the water soaking up the beauty! wow heavy appys is right! lol the cucumber wall haha. thats crazy!
Welcome back, Biz!!! Missed you!
How fun! You looked great in that picture with your aunt – your face looked healthy and glowing, not red. And I love your purple top – so pretty!
You know what ocean you would like? Maui – the water there is so calm (on the Kaanapali Beach area) – it’s not scary at all. Good on ya for getting into the water – it’s hard to face a very real fear, and you did it! 🙂
Looks like such a great trip! I loved that you said you missed your husbands lips. 🙂 So sweet! 🙂 Glad you are back home safe & sound. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! 🙂
Looks like you had a great trip! Sounds so nice to spend time with family, celebrate a birthday, and relax on the beach.
Looks like a fab time! What beach? I didn’t reconize the restaurant name, so I’m assuming not Va. Beach, cuz if it was I’ll be sorely disappointed that I didn’t get to meet you…I was reading the post below about moving from Va to chicago. And yes, your lispstick looks fab!
We were in Hilton Head in the Sea Pines gated community – you need a pass to go to so many different places on the island! I had no idea!
What a fun trip!! Glad you were able to reconnect with your family!! But, I’m sure you’re glad to be home!! 🙂
Andrew was up in your neck of the woods last week, Chicago, right? He cheated on his no gluten diet and ate deep dish pizza. He said it was quite amazing. I guess if you’re gonna cheat, that’s the thing to do it on!!
Yep – Chicago deep dish pizza is amazing! I used to not like it because the sauce is kinda chunky, but I love it now – I just don’t like it reheated 😀
Sounds like a fantastic trip! I agree, airport calories don’t count! It’s funny how it’s so nice to get away but then it’s SOOO nice to get back home where it is comfortable.
Sounds like an amazing trip with family, good eats and beach time 🙂
Sounds like you had a fabulous trip!
Glad you got to spend such a lovely time with your family!
What a great trip! Makes me want a vacation – NOW! By the way, ever since I saw Emeril on Regis & Kelly the other day talking about his new book, I want it so bad!