Oh my!  I’ve read other blogs about these apples, in fact, they are my brothers favorite!  But I’ve always heard that they were expensive so I never bothered.

Well I stopped by a different grocery store yesterday and they had them on sale for .99 a pound!   They are the perfect balance of sweet and tart – this may be a new staple in my diet!  I paired it with a teaspoon of sunflower butter.

I also made one of the double yolk eggs – it was huge!  And only 90 calories!

394 calories, 17 fat, 41 carbs
394 calories, 17 fat, 41 carbs

I am meeting my old boss for lunch at Big Bowl today – she’s having a baby next week!  I told her that I better be on the top of the list for babysitting!  Probably won’t post until dinner – hope everyone has a good Monday!