friday-117-003For some reason, I thought the weather was going to be crappy this morning, so I planned on hitting the fitness center after dropping Hannah off to school.  But one look out the window with blue skies meant one thing – take Ed to the trail.

This is our last day at the trails for a week because they had signs everywhere saying from November 8 to November 16, all trails are closed due to deer reduction!  Which means hunters come in and shoot the deer!  Um, pretty sure we’ll stay clear!

It was cold – 36 degrees, but after we got going it didn’t feel that bad.



So I am a complete dork – this trail that I’ve gone on, I usually walk for 15 or 20 minutes, then turn around and follow my way back.  Sometimes I take the left at the fork, sometimes I take the right.  My friend at work asked me where I was walking, so I printed out the map – only to find out its one giant loop!  So that’s what we did today – its 1.6 miles for this loop.


  • 1 cup TJ’s twigs
  • 1/2 sliced banana
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
simple!  We'll see how long this lasts me!
Simple! We'll see how long this lasts me!

Probably going to do weights at lunch today – I think I’ve only done them once this week!  See you at lunch!