Okay, I’ll admit it.  Before I started this blog, I may have stopped at McDonald’s on my way to work about once, or twice, OKAY sometimes three times a week.  Something about a scalding hot hash brown potato and a greasy sausage McMuffin with egg kind of set the right tone for the day!

Tony would be in my car over the weekend, picking up empty McD bags and would glance at me with a questioning look.  Of course I said was trying to go green and picking up trash off the road on my way to work was how I was doing my part!  Shesh!

What do you mean I am not losing any weight by making the Mickey D stops?? 

If I have any faithful readers, you’ll know that since I started this blog, I have had only one instance of fast food – the wonderfully spicy Volcano taco at Taco Bell.  I consider that a huge success!

So that doesn’t mean I don’t still love the sausage McMuffin with egg – I just make it at home.

  • 1 Thomas’ whole grain english muffin
  • .6 ounce slice of good old American cheese
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 ounce Jimmy Dean sage breakfast sausage
361 calories, 19 fat, 3 fiber, 26 carbs, 19 protein
My version: 361 calories, 19 fat, 3 fiber, 26 carbs, 19 protein

My version shaves off 70 calories and 8 grams of fat from the McD version.  And I gain 1 gram of fiber.  Of course, I could have made it even skinnier if I had used a 1 WW point english muffin and maybe used egg beaters, but the way I made it above really satisfies the McD cravings!

Beautiful walk with Ed this morning – we walked 30 minutes.  As soon as I came back from dropping Hannah off at school, he was waiting at the top of the steps for me!

new path around the Fox River
new path around the Fox River

Break is over – I’ll see you at lunch!  Thanks again to everyone who wished Carl a happy birthday yesterday!