if you plan to see the Secret Life of Bees.  It was so good!  I hadn’t read the book before, but my mom did and said it stayed pretty true to the book.

After we got back from the race, I made Hannah and I pizza for lunch.  She wanted just plain pepperoni and cheese, but as I was going through the fridge, I realized I had some shrimp that was already defrosted and needed to be used up.

I started by searing the shrimp with a touch of oil, crushed red pepper (lots!) and Italian seasoning and fresh sliced garlic:

My pizza was 5 oz. pizza dough, the 3 oz. garlic shrimp, spinach, 3 slices of pepperoni, 2 ounces of mozzarella cheese, fresh garlic:

592 calories, 14 fat, 70 carbs (yikes = 14 units insulin!), 9.3 fiber, 43 protein
592 calories, 14 fat, 70 carbs (yikes = 14 units insulin!), 9.3 fiber, 43 protein

Driving home the sky was beautiful!  We stopped at the store and I had to take a picture!  I love it when the sky looks like this:

At the store the dollar rack was loaded – maybe because it was Sunday night?  Anywho, I lucked out and got all these tomatoes for $5.00.  I couldn’t believe I’ve already gone through all my canned pasta sauce already, and its only October!

Pea soup and sandwiches are on the menu tonight – I’ll let you know if mine comes close to Tony’s Mom!

See you after dinner.