I had to get to work early this morning, so breakfast was thrown together rather quickly!

  • 1 ounce Cherrios
  • 1/2 ounce fiber one
  • 5 ounces milk
  • 1 ounce sliced banana
233 calories, 5.6 fat, 45 carbs, 10 fiber, 9 protein
233 calories, 5.6 fat, 45 carbs, 10 fiber, 9 protein
I really like these Fit & Fresh containers.  They have the measurements on the side which is helpful (although I still weigh everything just to make sure!)
I am planning on running for 45 minutes at lunch outside today, in preparation for my 5K on Sunday.  Tomorrow’s exercise will probably only be dog walking to rest up.  I just hope I can finish!
See you at lunch!