Since I knew we wouldn’t have a new office microwave at least until lunch time, breakfast had to be something I could heat up in the toaster oven – so we are back to breakfast pizzas! Flatout thin crust artisan bread, 2 tablespoons tomato sauce, baby spinach, an ounce of deli ham, 1 scrambled egg and 1 ounce of shredded mixed cheddar cheese. This whole thing comes in at 358 calories and 35 grams of protein!
I was actually busy with one of the secretaries out, so before I knew it, it was time to hit the pool. Luckily I was all by myself for the entire swim – no poo in the pool this time!
I had really bad cramps yesterday (I know, TMI!) but the pool really helped. I took this picture and have noticed since I stopped doing Insanity, I’ve lost some of my shoulder definition.
So next week I am going back – but this time with T-25. Starting Monday, I am going to commit to 30 days of T-25. I liked doing Insanity at night because believe it or not, I have more energy at night than I do in the morning. So 8:00 p.m. I will have a date with T-25!
By the time I got back to the office, I could hear they were installing the new microwave, so I waited it out – I didn’t end up eating lunch until 1:45. I had one serving of the copycat Panera broccoli soup that I made for my friend that didn’t make it in the container I gave her. On the side was a high fiber English muffin ham, spinach and cheese open face sammie. This new microwave has a convection oven setting – do any of you know if that means you can use it like an oven, or does it just make the microwave work faster?? I was the first person to use it – and it is way more efficient than our older one.
I am building up my share of snowman mugs at work – I actually have about a dozen and a half more at home in the basement boxed up – I rotate them in and out pretty much year round. They just make me happy! Skippy, I know you share in this happiness!
So I kept seeing a bunch of recipes for chicken and dumplings on Pinterest. I got to thinking and I don’t think I’ve ever made it before. But the recipes I saw were chock full of butter and definitely not on the healthy side. I had the idea that I would roast a chicken and use that meat for the chicken and dumplings, and have leftovers for sandwiches and use the carcass later in the week to make chicken noodle soup. But I quickly discovered that the whole chickens were the same price uncooked as they were already cooked – so I put this $5.99 chicken in my basket. I picked one that had just been placed on the shelf. I’ve heard that they cook up these rotisserie chickens using chicken that is really close to the sell by date. Not sure if that’s true or not?
I also chose frozen veggies over fresh ones, because I thought that would be easier on a weeknight. I picked up this 10 ounce package:
This was perfect comfort food on a cold chilly night, without all the guilt. And while Tony could tell this was a lightened dish, he really liked it.
Stats for the Day:
- 1516 calories, 63 fat, 152 carbs, 100 protein and 35 fiber
- 38% of calories from carbs, 36% from fat and 25% from protein
- 30 minute swim at lunch
- average blood sugar 119
I am excited for lunch today – I made a batch of my award winning Buffalo Chicken Chili. Tony goes to a Coumadin clinic every few weeks since he is on blood thinners. One of the women who helps him looks just like one of the Mowry twins, so he calls her “Sister, Sister” because he’s not really good with names. Well, a couple weeks ago she brought in the article of my chili and said that she doesn’t cook and she’d really like to try it. She was joking of course, so she’ll be surprised when Tony brings her a big container of it today! There was enough leftover for my lunch today.
Time to heat up the car – another sub-zero start to the day. Have I mentioned how done I am with winter this year already??!!
Make it a great day!
Hi Biz! I was reading this blog post and my husband looked over and saw your chicken n dumplin’s and said … “Man, that looks delicious!” and I just had to make it. Made a couple tweeks, but man… SO YUMMY! :0)
That’s awesome!! I am assuming that a couple of tweeks added onions?! 😀
Woo hoo! Your boss splurged and bought a nice microwave. I think you will really enjoy it. The convection feature will actually allow it to brown and crisp. It may take a few attempts to master it.
It’s actually the landlord that replaced it, but I am excited to try it – need to do some recipe searches for the microwave! 😀
You’re such a sweety with the chili.
I only did one workout of T25 so far but I really liked it, there’s no time for a water break (well I took one) but it’s short and intense because I was pretty sweaty afterwards. I have workouts from 15 to 60 minutes but I like the 30 minutes most. You can always find 30 minutes in your day.
We are all different, I know lots of people that prefer working out in the evening, I am a morning person. It doesn’t matter, as long as we do it right?
Absolutely, it doesn’t count unless you do it! I’ve tried just looking at the DVDs, but that doesn’t seem to change my body. Ha!
funny, Monday I stopped at Costco and they had one rotessierre chicken left for 4.99 so I grabbed it for dinner. Good stuff! My husband made chicken and rice soup with the leftovers. Can’t wait to see how the sourdough turns out!
Chicken and rice is another favorite of Tony’s maybe I’ll make that instead of noodle soup!
You’ve been sharing a lot of your delicious food lately!
I’m not an evening/night person, and I admire you for working out in the evening! Have fun with it! 🙂
I enjoy my morning time – usually 90 minutes before I go to work – it kind of eases me into the day.
Ooh this looks so good!!! Our family doesn’t usually do veggies in chicken and dumplings, because MAK says “that’s what chicken pot pie is for!” You can take the boy off the farm… 🙂
Ha – that’s funny Erin – and he probably just wants chicken and waffles anyway!
Well sheesh, I’ve scrolled all through your blawg and couldn’t decide which post to comment on. All the food stuff looks soooo DELISH!
I have T25 as well. Using it as a filler to supplement my current training. Rock on, girlfriend.
Thanks for stopping by Josie!
Oh yes….I like those Rotisserie chickens…check around for prices, I think Sam’s Club has them for $4.48, then you go to Walmart and they are around $5. Today, Festeval will have their chickies for $6.00 (regular $6.99) but they are Big Birds!!! So I usually buy one, once the legs and most of the breast is gone I make a big pot of chicken soup. But I think we might like your chicken and dumplings…..think I will try that today and surprise JP with something different instead of something tomato-wie 😉
And yes, there is room enough in my boat for you AND Tony. Bring a snack. I might be headed to another foriegn land again in the next couple of days…..Pinterest has some wonderful places to visit!!! Have a great day!!
Well Biz, after thinking about it today……..I think I shall join you at 8pm. I don’t have T25 but I have some Biggest loser DVD’s, some old Richard Simmons tapes, Chris Powell, Leslie Sansone (walking tapes) a Sugar Ray and Laila Ali boxing tape plus lots of misc tapes….I guess I have enough to keep me occupied, probably one a day for a month.
So see you at 8pm…have to get rid of this belly before I see the Dr in April!!!!
Yippee!! Glad you are in Louise – remember how many miles you got on your bike the last challenge we did?!
And I will check Walmart’s price for the rotisserie chickens – thanks for the idea!
oooohhhhh chicken and dumplings, I’m SO in!!
I think your kids would love them – the dumplings really puff up when they bake!
Yep, you are a sweet and kind-hearted person!! That lady at the clinic will be excited to get some of your award winning chili! 😀
Nice microwave!! I made chicken & dumplings a few weeks ago but mine are not as pretty as yours! And I cheated and rolled out canned biscuits for my dumplings. 😀
We got snow today. A lot more than expected and more coming. Crap!! 🙁
My Mom used to make chicken and biscuits – canned biscuits flakey biscuits – so good!
So sorry about the snow – I am so done with this winter!!
I am going to start again. I need help and just writing down what I eat, is huge! Wish me luck.
We can do it – I have to get back on the exercise bandwagon too – it seems if I don’t exercise, then I don’t care about the eating and the licks, tastes, and extra bites become normal. 😀
Agree with Shelley that you are so generous making food for other people. 🙂
I love chicken and dumplings, but never learned to make them “southern” style which is the way Cracker Barrel makes them. Mine would either dissolve and make gravy or puff up like biscuits which wasn’t what I wanted.
My husband’s grandmother used to ask what I wanted for my birthday, and I would ask for a pot of chicken and dumplings. I didn’t really care about the chicken. She would use a few wings for flavor and that was it. It’s probably a good thing I could never duplicate her dumplings. I still occasionally get them from Cracker Barrel — maybe once or twice a year. Yum. 🙂
Check this recipe out Caron!
I love using rotisserie chicken in soups and casseroles because it gives such a wonderful flavor, not to mention it cuts out much of the work.
Yep, I think I will take advantage of them more often!
You are so sweet to make food for everyone! Hope you have a great day – stay warm!
I’ve seen the light at the end of the tunnel – temps in the 30s next week! 😀
I have a convection oven/microwave combination – and yes you can use them just like an oven on the convection settings. Convection cooks a lot faster than a regular oven… hopefully they left you the owner’s manual so you can read up on it. If not, try taking the model number and searching for it online.
Great idea Helen – I’ll ask them for the manual! 😀
I’m with you and over the cold – I really have gone into a form of hibernation lately!!!
So sweet of you to make the chili for Tony to take into the clinic – she will love it!!!
I can’t tell that you’ve lost shoulder definition but you do look little in that picture with the pink tank!!!
Thanks Kim – it’s all about the angle of the camera – you can’t see my muffin top! Ha! 😀
Morning B! I am on my way to work. Call you in a few