It's Official!  100 years without a World Series!
It's Official! The Chicago Cubs are 100 years without a World Series!

We live in the Chicagoland area.  We have two baseball teams, THE WHITE SOX and the Cubs.  It always bothers me when people say “oh, I’ll just root for whichever team is winning.”  WHAT?  You have to be one OR the other!

We are Sox fans.  And in 2005 we won the World Series!  Sadly, my husband was on a business trip, I was home, Hannah was asleep.  When we won, I was just jumping around my living room by myself!  It was an awesome time.

So needless to day, we are EXTREMELY happy that the Cubs are done!


  • 1 english muffin
  • 2 ounces sliced apple (not sure what it was, it was on the $1 rack – gala maybe?)
  • 1 ounce of gouda with mustard seeds (AMAZING!)

I am in love with this cheese!  Look at all the mustards seeds:

I toasted the english muffin first, then placed the sliced apple on top and added .5 ounce of shredded gouda cheese on each half and put it under the broiler.  The english muffin was crunchy, the apples softened slighly and the tang of the cheese was an incredible combination!

296 calories, 9 fat, 41 carbs, 3.6 fiber, 13 protein
296 calories, 9 fat, 41 carbs, 3.6 fiber, 13 protein

Off to get ready to meet my mom for lunch and a movie.  She just got back from a trip to Italy, and I am anxious to hear all about it!  See you after the movie!