Today’s lunch used up some of the steak from last night.

  • 3.5 ounces chopped romaine
  • 2 ounce chopped carrots
  • 3 ounce chopped cucumbers
  • 1 ounce chopped pickled jalapeno peppers
  • 3 ounces chopped leftover steak
  • 1 cup of my potato soup
  • 8 ounce peach slices
490 calories, 15 fat, 55 carbs, 8.6 fiber, 34 protein
490 calories, 15 fat, 55 carbs, 8.6 fiber, 34 protein

And as I was putting my steak on my salad, some pieces fell into my soup, so its like steak potato soup!

No work out at lunch.  My blood sugar earlier this morning was 59.  I ate a Trader Joe’s peanut granola bar, and 1/2 hour later, was only up to 74.  I don’t like to exercise when its that low.

Maybe I’ll take Ed for a long walk tomorrow – its supposed to be beautiful!

isn't he cute!
isn't he cute!