43.  I woke up early this morning to take my daughter to school.  I knew something was wrong when my eyes couldn’t focus, even with my glasses on!  A quick test and my blood sugar was 43!  It was 81 before I went to bed, so I had a few crackers so I wouldn’t wake up low.  Maybe it was my overnight long term insulin?  Who knows?!

All I know is that I ate a whole banana and a granola plank (I only eat 1/4 of a plank for about 18 grams of carbs)

thanks to www.katheats.com for turning me onto these!
thanks to www.katheats.com for turning me onto these! Find at Whole Foods or at www.honest-foods.com

to get me up to 108.  I started (again!) going to Cardinal Fitness after dropping my daughter off to school.  I ended up doing 30 minute continuous weight training.  Basically, I do most of the weight machines, 3 sets of 15 reps, alternating between upper and lower body.  Then ended it with 100 crunches.

10.  Today marks the 10th anniversary of my Dad’s death.  He was also diabetic, but actually died of cancer.  Although he wasn’t a very “good” diabetic.  He ate whatever he wanted (how did that apple fritter get in my basket?!) and just gave himself enough insulin to cover it.  I didn’t get diagnosed until after he died.  I hope through seeing what he went through, I can stave off the high blood sugars so I don’t have complications when I am older! 

Since taking fast acting insulin though, my 30 day blood sugar average is 123!  Amazing!  My blood sugars were in the high 200’s for over a year!

Stats for the day:

  • 1315 calories
  • 49.5 grams of fat
  • 137 grams of carbs
  • 27.5 grams of fiber
  • 74 grams of protein


  • 30 minute weight machine circuit
  • (no lunch time work-out, blood sugar was 61!)

Blood Sugars:

  • Fasting: 43 – crazy!
  • Before lunch – 126
  • After lunch – 85
  • Before workout – 61 (hence, no workout!)
  • Before dinner – 89

Yahoo!  I didn’t have to work late tonight!