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Zucchini Tacos

Zucchini Tacos
I never would have thought of zucchini tacos if it wasn’t for my friend Alfredo. Well, I call him my friend, but I’ve only met him in person once.  😂 He has a giant TikTok following and recently started a recipe blog. He recently posted a recipe called Tacos de Calabacita, and it looked amazing.  I am using zucchini because it is a bit more...
March 9, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan Week of February 13, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan Week of February 13, 2023
Welcome to week six of our meal plans!  In case you missed it, here are the previous weeks meal plans: Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five  The vision for these meal plans is to possible get you out of your rut of making the same things over and over.  Feel free to mix and match, use one recipe or all this week...
February 10, 2023

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein
I had a very productive day yesterday!  I think I am getting used to all the manual labor, because I wasn’t as lethargic yesterday like I normally am after working markets two days in a row.  #winning!  I made a list of everything I wanted to get done, and did it all except get gas, but I can do that today.  It was gorgeous out...
June 21, 2016

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas
Home again!  I told my brother Charlie (check out his latest blog post here!) that I think this is the longest time we’ve spent together since we were in high school – 11 days!  I am happy to report that my fear of flying is long gone.  I had no anxiety at all about any of the travel.  I think with all the travel I...
March 18, 2016

I am a 13 minute miler!

Okay, so I am not going to break any records, but I mapped out my run with my car the other day, so I knew where my one mile turn around point was.  I did two miles in exactly 26 minutes! It’s funny though, as soon as I saw my “finish” line, I instinctively started to sprint!  I was an anchor sprinter in high school,...
October 9, 2008