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Skinny Pie Crust

Skinny Pie Crust
Um, Mother Nature, not sure if you got the memo or not, but it’s MAY and I’d really like to see the sun like every single day and have temps in the high 60s at the very least! I am sure she’ll read this later and we’ll have more spring like weather in the near future.  You’re welcome. I had actually planned on going to...
May 2, 2016

Pork Chops with Spicy Apricot Mustard Sauce

Pork Chops with Spicy Apricot Mustard Sauce
I love having frozen fruit on hand, and the best place for me to buy it is either Wal-mart of Sam’s Club.  On my last Sam’s Club run, I bought a 3 pound bag of blueberries for $5.98!  I ended up making another breakfast parfait by making my own fruit sauce.  So easy – any combination of fresh/frozen fruit for 1 cup.  1 cup water...
April 28, 2016

Baby Buffalo Burger Salad

Baby Buffalo Burger Salad
Loyal readers will be happy to hear that I will be back to blogging five days a week!  I have so many new recipes to share, that I don’t want to overload a post with too much stuff, so I’ll be spreading out the recipes Monday-Friday.  So those of you who wake up, get your coffee and then check up on what I am up...
April 25, 2016

Marinated Grilled Flank Steak

Marinated Grilled Flank Steak
I’ve been kind of going through the motions with Weight Watchers.  I know the smart point meals I make are on point.  That’s not the problem.  The problem is all those little “extras” that never seem to get added to my WW app.  The hazelnut creamer in my coffee x 4+ times a day.  The extra glasses of wine while away.  The bites of Cheetos...
April 22, 2016

Chili Mac Soup and . . . Awakened

Chili Mac Soup and . . . Awakened
Another whirlwind weekend is in the books.  What a crazy weather weekend we had in Chicagoland.  It was chilly on Friday, then Saturday it would be sunny and blue skies one second, then I’d look outside and it was snowing sideways like a blizzard, and we didn’t get out of the 30s at all.  Then yesterday it got up to 70 degrees – insane!  But...
April 4, 2016

Banana Pecan Scones with Dark Chocolate Drizzle

Banana Pecan Scones with Dark Chocolate Drizzle
I’ve had such fun days this week.  Wednesday I had lunch with an old field hockey friend.  We’ve lived in the same town 15 years and ran into each other once like 10 years ago at Bed Bath & Beyond.  She gave me her phone number then, but I brought it home, set it on the counter, it got wet and I couldn’t read her...
March 25, 2016

Skinny Potato Soup

Skinny Potato Soup
Its pretty amazing what you can get done when a job doesn’t get in the way.  The first two days of this week just flew by, probably because I am doing what I love!  Hitting the gym, being Bizzy in my Kitchen, and working on my blog and throwing out my food resume and seeing where it sticks.  I’ve applied for several jobs, and even...
March 23, 2016

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas
Home again!  I told my brother Charlie (check out his latest blog post here!) that I think this is the longest time we’ve spent together since we were in high school – 11 days!  I am happy to report that my fear of flying is long gone.  I had no anxiety at all about any of the travel.  I think with all the travel I...
March 18, 2016

Everything Bagels

Everything Bagels
Can I just tell you that this week flew by?!  Usually by Friday it feels like the first four days of the week are actually two weeks long, but these last four days for me just sailed on by.  Probably because I was doing everything that I love!  Going to Chicago, learning more about how to market my blog to make money, taking long walks...
March 4, 2016