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Homemade Snicker Bars

Homemade Snicker Bars
UPDATE!  I had to update the photography for these Homemade Snickers Bars since my daughter Hannah was able to take some photos during the day – you can see how much better these cut once they were cold from the fridge – thanks for your photography skills Hannah!   You can find the detailed recipe here. . . . Morning!  This is going to be...
December 13, 2016

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce
Another whirlwind weekend is in the books.  Could you please tell the summer to slow down?  Before you know it, we’ll be seeing fricken Halloween decorations in the stores!   Friday both Hannah and Jacob worked so I had a whole day to recipe develop in the kitchen and I had such a fun day.  I had Spotify on, jammed to Macklemore and Pitbull (yes, I...
July 18, 2016

Zucchini Lasagna Rollups

Zucchini Lasagna Rollups
Zucchini Lasagna Rollups These zucchini lasagna rollups are a great way to use up summer zucchini. I’ve been making the excuse lately on the days I work the market, that because my job is a lot of manual labor (packing up coolers, packing up my car, unpacking at the market, repacking after the market, putting everything back when I get to the shop) that I...
July 14, 2016

Shit Just Got Real

Shit Just Got Real
It is not surprising that I had a gain going into my WI yesterday.  I thought maybe a couple pounds from vacation – note this is a two week WI, but still. When I saw 2.4 on the sticker, I thought “well, that’s not too bad!”  Um, no – that’s how much I am up from the first time I weighed in April – so...
July 13, 2016

The Best Gluten Free Pizza

The Best Gluten Free Pizza
This is the best gluten free pizza dough. I’ve talked about the Cooking Club that I am in here and here.  My friend Courtney is generous enough to host it at her house every month.  Each month Courtney picks out a “head chef” for the night, and depending on what that cook wants to make, will dictate the rest of the menu for the night....
January 18, 2016

Beer Battered Onion Rings for Two

Beer Battered Onion Rings for Two
Guess what was staring in my face every time I went into our lunch room yesterday? Not just any Cheeto – cheddar jalapeno people!  I must have been in the kitchen half a dozen times yesterday making my breakfast and lunch, and filling up my water bottle.  Um, but guess who didn’t eat any?!  Me!  It helped that my co-worker told me “they probably are...
September 13, 2012