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Korean Beef BBQ Ribs

Korean Beef BBQ Ribs
The best part about making lots of naan is that they can morph into other meals – like a breakfast naan panini.  So good.  The naan is still a bit chewy on the inside but the outside is a bit crunchy.  I scrambled my usual egg, ham, spinach and cheese.  I only used 3/4 of an ounce of cheese but check out this cheezy goodness! ...
November 19, 2015

Italian Pot Roast and shoveling is great exercise!

Italian Pot Roast and shoveling is great exercise!
It took Tony, Hannah and I over 90 minutes to shovel and snow plow our drive and deck.  It actually felt really good, the sun was shining and I really worked up a sweat!  I entered the activity into eTools and discovered I’d only earned 4 activity points – WTF?! We don’t have a garage, so we had to first dig out the last car...
February 3, 2011