Uncategorized My soup was a success! After Tony poo-pooed my ratatouille soup, I brought it to work and put it in the crockpot for anyone who dared. I know what you... November 6, 2008 1.4K by Biz
Uncategorized It’s gonna rain later today so I decided to take Ed on a long walk this morning – not sure I’ll be able to do that tomorrow! You... November 6, 2008 1.5K by Biz
Uncategorized chicken parmesan and ratatouille soup! Tonight’s dinner was yet another staple – chicken paremesan. The trick for Hannah to eat it (she doesn’t like a whole lot of meat) is... November 6, 2008 2.1K by Biz
Uncategorized How low can you go? Okay, one sure sign that my blood sugar is low is profuse sweating. I know its lunch time, and probably the most appetizing thing to... November 5, 2008 1.3K by Biz
Uncategorized Happy Hump Day! I think this week is going by so fast already! Pretty soon it will be snowing, but I can’t help but enjoy this 70 degree... November 5, 2008 1.9K by Biz
Uncategorized Election Day Pork – the first part – Guest Post – TONY CANNON! It seemed appropriate on a day when the elections are held to cook the meat that closely represents the political process to me, yes I... November 5, 2008 1.6K by Biz
Uncategorized And the winner is. . . Me! Random Integer Generator Here are your random numbers: 5 Timestamp: 2008-11-04 17:43:27 UTC November 3, 2008 at 8:19 pm 5 biz319 Um, being that... November 4, 2008 1.5K by Biz
Uncategorized Election Day! So we live in an unincorporated part of town, and last time voted at the library. So after I dropped Hannah off to school, I... November 4, 2008 1.7K by Biz
Uncategorized More menu shenanigans! I came home today to find these new additions to the chalkboard menu! Then this on the bottom: Hannah was the culprit this time! Tonight’s... November 4, 2008 1.3K by Biz
Uncategorized Beginning of Month Giveaway! I decided to do a giveaway on the 1st of every month, but since Saturday was the first, and not many people check blogs over... November 3, 2008 2.4K by Biz