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A Tornado in the Kitchen

A Tornado in the Kitchen
  There’s only one upside to having my mom gone, and that’s the state of the kitchen not being in disaster mode 80% of the time. I love her to death, and she knows that, but the way she works in the kitchen is completely chaotic. Hellish? Maybe. All I know is that I cringe while she’s in the midst of her cooking process, even...
April 15, 2016

Baked Ravioli

Baked Ravioli
I’ve had such technical difficulties the last few days.  At the suggestion of Randi (hi Randi!) and other Facebook friends, I ended up running a Malware scan on my desktop, since that’s where I do 90% of my work.  I guess I am old school, but I like my desktop!  It ran for an hour and 15 minutes and found 369 “virus” type things.  Gah! ...
April 13, 2016

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!
Morning!  I was having computer problems this morning, hence my later than usual post.  I need to switch out my desktop computer, but still need to weed through all the pictures I have and move them to a flash drive, and well, that’s still on my list of things to do. Another great week here in the land of self-employment.  I’ve been doing really great...
April 1, 2016

Excuse me, Chef?

Excuse me, Chef?
I had yet another wonderful experience being not only a judge for the high school culinary state championships at Kendall College on Monday, I was also lucky enough to be a taste judge too! Last time I was a “production” judge, which meant I went around the room looking to see how the teams worked together, if they had their timeline posted, recipes posted, knife...
March 30, 2016

Grilled Meat!

Grilled Meat!
I had such a fun weekend.   Tony’s nephew and his wife and two kids stopped by on Saturday for a visit.  They were visiting from Tennessee and I am just so happy that they carved out some time to meet me – because it’s the first time meeting their daughter and only the second time I’ve met their son.  It’s nice that Tony’s extended family...
March 28, 2016

Spinach and Cheese Pizza with Walnut Pear Balsamic Glaze

Spinach and Cheese Pizza with Walnut Pear Balsamic Glaze
A few weeks ago I realized that Weight Watchers started following me on Instagram! I was like, WOW! until my friend Loren pointed out that WW has 342,000 followers and only follows 546, and I am one of them.  Double WOW!  They had asked if they could use my spinach pizza with balsamic glaze in their social media pages, and I of course said yes! ...
March 26, 2016


Thanks for the birthday wishes here, on Facebook and Instagram.  It’s weird because every year I don’t really feel that much older, but I am considering 48 is the new 35!   While I didn’t get to spend the day with my tiwn sister, it was a good day.  I had a semi-productive/lazy day, and it was perfect. Jacob had to work later on Saturday so...
March 21, 2016

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas

Thin Cornmeal Tortillas
Home again!  I told my brother Charlie (check out his latest blog post here!) that I think this is the longest time we’ve spent together since we were in high school – 11 days!  I am happy to report that my fear of flying is long gone.  I had no anxiety at all about any of the travel.  I think with all the travel I...
March 18, 2016

Going Home!

Going Home!
Y’all, I am tired.  Good thing I don’t have a job to go back to right now, because I don’t think I’d have the strength to lift my arms to type!   Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration because I am typing right now, but you get the idea. We didn’t get all the painting done that I thought we’d finish by the time I...
March 16, 2016