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Another leftover lunch

Going through my fridge last night and saw that I had leftover vegetarian refried beans – and what should be right next to that?  Pickled jalapenos,  Mexican cheese and fresh spinach!  And I grabbed a package of frozen taco soup to round it out. 1/2 low carb wrap 1 ounce vegetarian fat free refried beans 1/2 ounce jalapeno 1 ounce Mexican shredded cheese 1/2 ounce...
September 16, 2008

Biggest Loser Tuesday!

Tonight marks the season premiere of the next season of Biggest Loser.  I don’t know why I like this show so much, but I do.  I guess it shows that hard work pays off – of course, not everyone can have weight loss as a full time job though! Another chilly morning – 48 degrees!  But beautiful. My daughter made oatmeal again this morning –...
September 16, 2008

Comfort Food Dinner

On the menu: Pork chops, garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli au gratin. Broccoli au gratin sauce 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 3/4 cup fat free half and half 2 ounces shredded cheddar cheese Melt butter completely, add flour and stir to combine.  Slowly add half and half until sauce thickens, add cheese and stir until melts.  In three separate ramakins, add cooked chopped broccoli.  This sauce...
September 16, 2008

BBQ Lunch

I had some leftoever ground sirloin from our tacos last week that I needed to use up, and thought a burger sounded good for lunch.  It was 3 ounces raw, and about 2.5 ounces cooked.  Added 1 ounce sharp cheddar cheese, spinach, pickled jalapenos and lots of mustard (which I LOVE!). My mother-in-law got me this book earlier this summer (and its autographed! – the...
September 15, 2008

Am I blue

Blue skies and blueberry oatmeal!  Slow drive into work though, with water on parts of the road, but its supposed to be rain free this week! My mom works at her local food pantry and there are some items they get donated that can’t get distributed for whatever reason.  So right now I have about 100 packs of these: It’s nice to add to my...
September 15, 2008

Potato soup and cheese bread

Since my lunch was huge, I wanted a light dinner.  My grocery store has a $1 rack of food that is really ripe – you never know what will be on there.  This week I got 10 baking potatoes for $1.   After the first try of this potato soup, I had to go back and tweak it – it needed to be thicker and needed...
September 15, 2008

Big Bowl

Okay, so the reason I couldn’t find the restaurant’s website is because THEY WENT OUT OF BUSINESS!  We met my mom and we were standing in front of a restaurant that had a table and a chair, otherwise completely empty. What to do?  Look right and go to Big Bowl!  We love this place.  We each got the build your own stir fry, I got shrimp...
September 14, 2008

Nutty oats

I woke up this morning to the smell of oatmeal – my daughter got up before me this morning and felt like oats. Mine: 4 ounces cooked oats 1.25 ounce REALLY RIPE banana! .25 chopped macadamia nuts I love this snowman coffee cup (I have LOTS of snowmen coffee cups!) The plan for today is to meet my mom for lunch and a movie.  We...
September 14, 2008

Do the can can. . .

I ended up getting 4 quart and 4 pint jars (plus a little extra!) from last Saturday’s salsa making.   We stoppd at the store on the way home and picked up a sesame ginger marinated pork roast turkey tenderloin!- buy one get one free!   For side dishes, I decided to keep the Asian theme going. First up: Spicy pickled cucumbers 6 ounces sliced English...
September 14, 2008

Popcorn for lunch?

Since we had a late breakfast, it didn’t make sense to go out to lunch before the movies.  But of course, as soon as you walk in, the smell of popcorn overwhelms!  I just think its ridiculous that the movie cost $13 for two tickets, and two drinks and a large popcorn was $17!!  GO SEE BURN AFTER READING – don’t read about it, look...
September 13, 2008