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Last Picture of Us

Last Picture of Us
As I was getting ready for work, I realized I still had pumpkin pancake batter in the fridge and in between blogging, getting ready for work, I cooked off two pancakes for work.  It takes a bit longer when the batter is cold so I had to cook them about 4-5 minutes a side. Am I the only one who ALWAYS makes too much pasta? ...
November 12, 2015

Technical Difficulties

Technical Difficulties
My office got new computers recently and I was lucky enough to score not only a new to me laptop, but a new desktop as well.  My desktop computer is probably six or seven years old and it’s been driving me crazy lately.  I was going to install the new desktop last night, but I was on dog duty.  Both Jacob and Hannah worked last...
November 11, 2015

Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Maduros

Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Maduros
I had planned on walking before work yesterday morning, but when I reached for my phone when my alarm went off and saw that it was only 30 degrees, I realized that the outfit I picked out to walk in clearly wasn’t warm enough (which could have been easily fixed by the way!) so I stayed in my cozy bed and did what I think...
November 10, 2015

Fun Weekend

Fun Weekend
Friday night we tried the second of the Blue Apron meals.  Sicilian Pasta with Kale.  Okay, first up, I think the reason I never liked kale when I made it at home is because I left the stem in tact, like romaine.  So when I read the directions to cut the leaves off the stem I was like, huh?!  I’d rate this one about 6...
November 9, 2015

Say Hello to Tony for Me

Say Hello to Tony for Me
The sad news I mentioned the other day was that one of my bestest blog friends passed away on Tuesday.  Janine aka Skippy Mom, and I have been blog friends since about 2009.   I think we had an instant connection with each other after we admitted our love of snowmen and how, ahem, big our respective collections were.  Every time we saw a snowman we...
November 6, 2015

Winner! Pumpkin and …Balls

Winner! Pumpkin and …Balls
I loved reading all your comments about food memories growing up or with your own families now.  That is the one common denominator that everyone has to eat, and I love how many family memories are created around the dinner table. Without further ado, the winner of the ChopChop Magazine subscription and the $25 cheese box from Cabot Cheese is . . . True Random...
November 5, 2015

Chop Chop and Cabot Cheese Giveaway!

Chop Chop and Cabot Cheese Giveaway!
I got some sad news last night, something I can’t share yet on the blog, so I decided to do an uplifting post today and a giveaway.  My friends at Cabot Cheese are excited to be working with them to help promote ChopChop Magazine – the fun cooking magazine for families, and their free ChopChop Cooking club – their national healthy cooking campaign to invite...
November 4, 2015

Indian Summer

Indian Summer
While I hate that it’s nearly dark by the time I leave the office this time of year, I do love how bright it is in the morning when I wake up.  And when I checked the weather out this week and saw that the first few days of the week were going to be in the 70s, I got my ass out of bed...
November 3, 2015

Eleven Months

Eleven Months
Today marks eleven months that Tony passed away.  It seems forever ago and like yesterday all at the same time.  A year ago yesterday we had our last date.  I still wonder how he was feeling good enough to not only have lunch out, but go to the movies with me and hang out on the deck and sip wine while I grilled last year. ...
November 2, 2015

Cooking Club–Chunky Chicken Chili

Cooking Club–Chunky Chicken Chili
I had such a good time last night at my friend Courtney’s Cooking Club.  This is our second time getting together, and it’s nice to get to know everyone a little bit better, as going in I only knew Courtney. It was tough eating and cooking in these conditions, but we made due. Ha!  Courtney’s house is so beautiful – if anyone in the Northwest...
October 30, 2015