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Happy Birthday Tony!

Happy Birthday Tony!
Today my husband turns 54!  We met the year he turned 40.  I’ll never forget that birthday.  Tony’s parents had already retired to Florida, but their house here was still on the market.  Tony lived there, and when we met, we would live at my house M-F, then pick up Joe on Friday night and head to Tony’s parents house for the weekend.  It was...
September 21, 2014

Party Pizza Friday!

Party Pizza Friday!
This work week actually went by pretty fast.  It felt weird coming straight home from work last night and not heading to the restaurant.  Hopefully it will be busy tonight. Friday’s tend to be “see what’s left in the fridge that you can use up” kind of meal plan.  I had leftover grilled flank steak, I had some French bread, and a breakfast panini idea...
June 14, 2014

I love balls.

I love balls.
Turns out winter doesn’t quite want to loosen it’s grip on us just yet.  I seriously cannot remember a worse winter, and I lived through the Blizzard of 78! I found this picture online for Tony.  He said in the blizzard of 1978 he would be driving down a road and it was a wall of snow on either side and a narrow path for...
March 14, 2014

Leftover Beef Chili

Leftover Beef Chili
I didn’t expect it to be so cold when I left for work.  -8 degrees!   I don’t know why I thought that just because the calendar says February, our weather would get any better.  And now we have more snow on the way – lovely! I made another batch of Nicole’s Olive Oil (aka crack!) granola over the weekend, not only for me but for...
February 4, 2014

Balls and Steak Diane for Two

Balls and Steak Diane for Two
My breakfast was amazeballs you guys.  I took two of the leftover biscuits from our Stovetop Chicken pot pie.  I cooked up 1/2 a cup of egg whites, and then at work assembled my breakfast biscuits – 1 ounce of ham, 1/2 the egg white, baby spinach and 1/2 ounce of cheese, then put it under the broiler for the cheese to get all melty. ...
October 19, 2013

Grilled Salisbury Steak over Zucchini with Mushroom Gravy

Grilled Salisbury Steak over Zucchini with Mushroom Gravy
I was trying to do too much before work yesterday.  Laundry, making pancakes, pan frying chicken breasts for panini’s, blogging, etc.  I got half way to work and my phone told me I had a comment.  It was from Carrie (hi Carrie!) and her first question was: 1. Homemade Stirfry Sauce? When I got to work I realized I completely skipped over my recipe and...
June 7, 2013

Best Sandwich. Ever.

Best Sandwich. Ever.
I am hoping we’ll have a string of days with no rain.  Not sure how much more rain our Fox River can handle.  Our poor neighbors on the channel have water half way up their back door, and there is just no where to pump the water.  Here’s a picture of our county – so crazy! We only got a small amount of water in...
April 25, 2013

Grilled Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy

Grilled Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy
We were having a luncheon at work yesterday, so I wanted a light breakfast.  Plain Chobani yogurt, strawberries and bananas, with my homemade granola.  This is the loose stuff that’s left over from my granola clusters, which is perfect in a parfait. It was a busy morning.  We had to make an errand before lunch, then pick up lunch, come back set it up.  It...
April 23, 2013

Sauerbraten and I said No!

Sauerbraten and I said No!
Thanks for all the comments and emails yesterday about my overeating.  First, nice to know I am not alone, and second, I know I can do this.  I know I can do the work, eat healthy and get myself in better shape.  I just need to make it happen instead of waiting for it to happen. So I put on my big girl pants yesterday...
March 14, 2013

Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Sloppy Joes

Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Sloppy Joes
Thanks for all the tips for apps for my new phone!  Okay, you guys are going to laugh, but that’s okay.  I love Instagram.  I like being able to take a picture, use the features to fix it up to post to Facebook.  A while back people started following me.  A.  I don’t know how people found me, and B. I had no idea why...
February 26, 2013