I only left my house for one hour since last Wednesday night.  I was up at 6:30 on Saturday morning, and at 8:10 figured I may as well go to Weight Watchers.  I was really only going to go to weigh in, but I wasn’t coughing too bad, stood in the back of the room and enjoyed the meeting.  A woman made goal, several people lost 25 pounds or more – it was inspiring!

I lost 2.6 last week!  I know some of you may think “well, it’s because you were sick.” But um, turns out I can eat even when I am sick, and when I am home there is temptation, so even after a 50 point Saturday (hello wine!) and a 35 point Easter dinner, I reigned it in and stayed under 23 points the rest of the week.  

Yesterday I had a tiny burst of energy.  Tiny being the operative word.  This bronchitis has just kicked my butt this time around.  I’ve had a constant headache for five days, and I’ve probably had a headache five times in my whole life.  After I made this breakfast I took a nap for an hour. šŸ˜€

Even though I had no energy, I was still doing this massive meal plan because that’s all I had was time.  I finally realized that this week is going to be a simple food week.  I may have a couple recipes to post, but I know I’ll be dead tired by the time I get home from work.

Hannah was proud of me because I used us stuff we already had.  Because the red potatoes were raw, I sauteed them in a teaspoon of coconut oil until they got crispy and partially cooked – about ten minutes.

This is a perfect meal prep breakfast because you can add any veggies that are about to go bad.  And um, turns out I always have cheese in my fridge.

I must not have used enough Pam spray, because some of them stuck, but no worries – I just reheated the pan that I sauteed the potatoes in to crisp them back up.

The points are very friendly!  


This is pretty much how I’ve looked the last four days.  You’ll be happy to know I took a shower.  Because, you know, work.  I am giving like that.

Am I feeling better?  Yes and no.  Still coughing.  Still have a headache that won’t go away.   I normally print to the printer down the hall to get more steps in.  Um, I’ll be printing to the printer behind me this week.  

I still have five days of meds left, so hoping that every day I get better.  At least I am not missing walking in 60 degree weather.  There is an inch of snow on the ground and it’s snowing as I type this.  Only a couple more days and then I think we’ll get a break.  We really need it!

Happy Monday – make it a great day!