My friend Kym (morning sunshine!) sent me a Starbucks gift card and I had time before work to stop and pick up the sous vide egg bites.  OMG, I forgot how good these are.  Little pillows of heaven if you ask me.  Four points for two – they have chopped peppers and cheese and are just delicious – not sure I’d spend $4.50 every day for them, but it’s a nice once in a while treat – so thank you Kym!

I was bound and determined to walk with my sister yesterday because it was near 45 degrees.  I just put a light hoodie on and she was still in full winter attire with winter coat and gloves. ๐Ÿ˜›  All the snow is starting to melt, so it’s that ugly winter – where the snow is dirty and just gross looking.

I work with a woman who only eats boiled chicken and cucumbers for lunch every day.  She came by just as I was putting my lunch together to borrow some of my garlic salt and asked “why does your chicken look so juicy?”  Her chicken was boiled and bland,  I cooked my chicken in a bit of grapeseed oil and rosemary seasoning, but the trick for chicken that I am going to be eating later in the week – I only cook it about 70% done.  Then when I reheat the chicken at work, I cook it at 30 second increments until it’s done – this only took about a minute to cook through and it was so juicy and delish.

My lunch:  3 ounces of chicken (2), my homemade naan (3), tzatziki (1) baked Cheetos (2) and fresh fruit.

I worked late last night and just made the 7:30 train, which gets me home at 8:45.  I bought a giant water and this picky plate dinner.  I put this at 9 points – 5 points for the salami, 3 points for the pretzels, 1 for the cheese and the pickles and grapes were free – it hit the spot because I know I would have over eaten for sure if I waited to eat dinner until after I got home.

By the time I got home and put comfy clothes on, I realized I walked over 16k steps!  Nice.

And because she’s so cute, here is a picture of Rummy – I love when her lip gets stuck like that.  I put that on my Instagram story.

And a few minutes I got this picture from my friend Rhonda of her dog begging for Cheez-Its. ๐Ÿ˜€

And that brings us to another edition of Friday Favorites!

My friend Shelley redesigned her blog and I absolutely love it.  Check it out here.  

My friend Marianne makes this cherry bomb smoothie that looks amazing – using frozen cherries and cocoa powder.  I think Hannah would love this too.

I found a bunch of quinoa in my pantry reorg a couple weeks ago, and pinned my sisters chocolate quinoa breakfast bowl – how delicious does that look?

I’ve got a pretty busy weekend ahead of me. I’m headed to my sisters office chili cookoff after work tonight.  Tomorrow I am meeting my Mom for lunch and then heading to a memorial service for a man in my Mom’s church who passed away earlier this week – he’s the Dad of kids I grew up with all through high school and always had a smile on his face.  

Saturday night is App Fest at my neighbors house.  I haven’t decided exactly what I am making yet, but it’s going to be like an appetizer charcuterie board – I see shrimp cocktail, steak crostini, and garlic green beans in it, but that’s as far as I have gotten.  Hannah is making her famous sushi.  Should be fun.

Sunday Hannah and I will be meeting my Mom again, for another Memorial.  The block Hannah grew up on (my parents block) was so fun and we were always doing stuff there were so many kids on that block.  One of the Mom’s on the block has been battling brain cancer for several years and finally lost her battle.  She was only 59 – her boys are a couple years older than Hannah and her daughter is a year younger.  We will attend her celebration of life on Sunday.

And somewhere in between all that, I need to get a pedicure – you know, since it is going to be March in a couple weeks, we are nearly in flip flop weather!

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!