I had planned on making soup with the leftover roast we had over the weekend.  Have I mentioned that Tony doesn’t usually do leftovers? I think meatloaf, cold pizza and fried chicken are the three things he’ll eat leftover.  So I had leftover roast and I decided to make a soup with it.

Only one problem, I forgot to make it!  But I had an idea. 😀  Long time readers will know that I have a full kitchen at work.  So I prepped all my ingredients, threw them in my stock pot.  Tied down the lid and when I got to work, I put my soup on simmer around 8:45.  By 11:00 the potatoes and carrots were cooked.  The only thing I’ll do differently next time is to double the amount of potatoes and carrots – it was on the brothy side, but delicious!

And another weird shaped potato – I heart soup!

Breakfast was a low carb egg sammie with canteloupe on the side – this didn’t even come to 300 calories!


290 calories, 36 carbs, 21 protein, 9.3 fat and 7.6 fiber


After I made sure that me and my co-worker each had a serving of soup, I sent an email around saying “help yourself.”  I also baked a loaf of bread yesterday morning and brought that in.  Needless to say, it was gone pretty quickly!  I was worried the meat might get tough while it simmered, but it was nice and tender, and almost had a smokey flavor from the grill.

Yankee Pot Roast Soup (printer friendly here)

Makes 6 servings (1 ½ cups) (303 calories, 7.9 fat, 27.7 carbs, 3.6 fiber and 29 protein)

A great way to use up a leftover roast!


1 pound cooked beef
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 tablespoon butter
2 medium carrots, cut into bite size pieces
4 red potatoes, cut into bite size pieces
1/2 quart chicken broth
1/2 quart beef broth
8 ounce tomato sauce


  1. Cut leftover roast into bite size pieces. Melt butter and sear the meat over high heat.
  2. Reduce to simmer, add remaining ingredients and cook until carrots and potatoes are tender – 45 to 60 minutes.


395 calories, 46 carbs, 34 protein, 8.5 fat, 4.4 fiber


OMG, I almost forgot to tell you – I got a new camera!!

Just kidding. 🙁  This is my bosses camera – she was going to her daughters volleyball game last night and was charging her batteries.  Oh well, some day! 😀

I went to the gym and decided to do the treadmill, I walked at 3.5 mph on 15.0 incline for 40 minutes!  That was really hard – I had to force myself not to hold on because I thought I was going to fall off!  And then did 5 minutes of abs on the ball.

I had nothing on my menu for dinner last night!  I know, how did that happen?  I thought maybe I could recreate something to not look like a leftover, but in the end we ordered a pizza.  It was mediocre at best, and not even worthy of a photograph.  Dinner was 637 calories, 53 carbs, 28 protein, 35 fat and 3.8 fiber.

Today is Bosses Day, and its becoming a tradition that we make breakfast – a couple people bring in their belgian waffle makers, another co-worker brings in fruit toppings for the waffles, my other co-worker makes the best breakfast casserole with cheese, bread, and sausage – how bad can that be!

I said I would bring cinnamon rolls.  Well guess what?  I forgot how long the dough takes to rise!  So I decided if I was going to do store bought rolls, I needed to kick them up a notch.  I unrolled each roll, then put two of them together.  I cooked bacon, let it cool, and then drizzled the bacon on the inside of the roll, then rolled it up, kind of pinching it together as I rolled it up.  Since I had a double roll, it cooked about 10 minutes longer than the package directions.


And I used generic rolls too because these were on sale!



wrapped and ready for the oven

Tony and I had to split one last night, you know, for quality control!  These are a winner – you get just a saltiness from the bacon – we both got a third flavor, almost a maple flavor even though there isn’t any maple in them!

I am going to link my Yankee pot roast soup and bacon stuffed cinnamon rolls to Christina’s Friday Firsts!

Friday’s Hot 100 Update:  I had a great week!  I exercised every day, kept my calories around 1500 and my percentage of calories from fat was around 30%.  I still need to up the strength training – my goal is to take a fitness class at my gym next week.  They have a group power class that uses a body bar – and the class is 60 minutes long!

Stats for Thursday:

  • 1534 calories, 174 carbs, 86 protein, 58 fat, 15.8 fiber
  • 33% of calories from fat
  • 40 minutes treadmill, 3.5 mph, 15.0 incline
  • 5 minutes abs on the ball

My mom left last night for a vacation in Brazil!  I had no idea that Portuguese was the native language of Brazil and that the first town she’s going to – San Paolo – is the 7th largest city in the world with 11 million people!  I hope she has a wonderful time.  I am not a world traveler like my Mom – she’s been to Japan, Italy, France, Alaska, Hawaii and now Brazil!

I have been to Canada and the further west I’ve been is Des Moines, Iowa!  Where is the farthest you’ve traveled?