You’ll love these BBQ turkey burgers.

My late husband and I loved to go out to eat, and on the weekends we would eat out at least twice if not three times.  The weekends were a slippery slope for me.  I love burgers!

I would do great Monday through Friday and then come Friday night it’s as if I lost my mind and ate whatever I wanted, knowing that I “did good” the previous five days.  Well, that doesn’t work my friends.  Unless you want to gain and lose the same five pounds.

I hit the reset button on June 13 when I weighed in at 190.2.  That’s the highest adult weight I’ve been in a very long time.  Not my all time high of 211 but I needed to focus and get my shit together.

Guess what?  Just following the WW plan.  However, I do it a bit differently.  I am on Team Purple so I get 300 “free” foods to chose from and 16 points a week, plus an additional 35 weekly points, or a total of 147 points for the week.  Getting “blue dots” on the WW app means that you stayed within your point range for the day.

Me?  I switch it up!  My points this past week from Saturday through Friday: 25, 17, 22, 18, 25, 26, 23 for a total of 156 points.  I lost 3 pounds this week.  I think it’s important to keep your body guessing about what it’s going to get, instead of eating exactly 5 points for breakfast, 5 points for lunch and 6 points for dinner.

Hopefully that makes sense?!  My mantra this millionth time getting “back on track” is consistency, not perfection.  That’s it.  Oh, and it helped that I am nearly half way through my #dryjuly challenge!

What’s the Secret to a Juicy Turkey Burger?

But now that ground turkey breast is zero points on my WW plan, I knew I had to give them another try.  My secret to a juicy BBQ turkey breast burger?  I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.

It makes all the difference.  It seriously is the key to a juicy burger.  Another tip:  don’t flip the burger too soon.  Whether on the grill or in a cast iron skillet, let the burger cook to get that browned caramelized goodness.

BBQ Turkey Burger . . . 

Since the burger is basically zero points (but has calories!) go ahead and splurge on a good bun.  This was a perfect summer dinner last week.   Check out my turkey burger sliders too – these are delish too!

So if you’ve been giving turkey burgers the stink eye for a while, give this one a try – pinky swear you’ll love it!

Until next time, be well!

A 9 ingredient juicy burger made with G. Hughes sugar-free BBQ sauce, bacon bits, cheese, and spinach on a brioche bun that can be made in under 20 minutes. #turkeyburger #bbq #barbeque #burgerrecipes #weightwatchers