My house is pretty much company ready most of the time.  Maybe a couple cookbooks on the dining room table, a couple dog toys on the floor, but nothing that a minute of pick up can fix.

The only problem area for me was my bedroom.  It just became a place to put shit that had no place really, and I would just take off my clothes at the end of the day and kick of my shoes and leave them on the bedroom floor.   

One problem is that my “dresser” is a set of six fabric bins, and while super cute, their function was not very practical – the drawers were so deep that mostly everything fell to the bottom, I’d wear the same things over and over on the top because I never got down to the bottom of the stack, or half way through the month I’d pick up the whole stack and flip them so the bottom was on the top.

So I’ve been looking for a dresser for a couple months now.  And when I say “looking” I would get ready for bed, see the shit hole that was my room and then go on offer up and see if I liked anything that was available.  The answer to that was mostly no.  On Thursday I heard my Offer Up app make a noise, and up popped up a dresser that I was looking for – not too deep of drawers and it was put together and only $100 – sold!

What I basically did was wash all my clothes, I put everything on my bed, and quickly made a donate pile right off the bat – which ended up being two giant black garbage bags of clothes.

Next up – try everything on.  If it didn’t fit me yesterday, it also went to the donate pile – which ended up being another garbage bag of clothes.

What is left is everything I like and everything I will wear.  I still have to do my socks and underwear drawer, but I need to get smaller baskets for that, but I can’t tell you what a great feeling it was to go to sleep last night.

It’s so easy to procrastinate because you don’t know how to start, or the task seems to big, but you’ll be surprised, once you get the ball rolling, things will start to fall into place.

Hannah said to me this morning, “I hope you keep it clean!”  I will.  I even made my bed before leaving this morning!  I finally got my shit together and it feels so good!

My Dietbet started yesterday – not too late to join – I think you have until Friday to join.  So wouldn’t you know this week I have FIVE outings this week – I have a couple people visiting from out of town so I made it work.  But I have to balance it out and not treat every dinner out like it’s my birthday.  Because it’s not my birthday 😛

My friend Justin and I dropped our second episode of The BizzyCrow Show – WTF do you do with tofu?!  You can watch it hereYou can also read Justin’s blog post here.

I also made a new video for my channel – Delicata Squash Ravioli in a spicy chicken broth – so good!  You can see that video here, and I’ll be posting it tomorrow on the blog.  I used wonton wrappers so it’s so easy!!

Here is some Monday Motivation – make it a great day – and don’t eat like an asshole.  Love, Biz