These banana bread waffles will quickly become your favorite.

My husband loved his mom’s banana bread, and no matter how many times I tried to make it, he simply told me I was close, but not close enough.

So whenever I think of banana bread, I think of my late husband.  I’d like to think that he would love these waffles!

I’ve always loved the sweet and savory combo – and these  waffle sammies are the perfect example.

WW (formerly known as weight watchers) came out with protein powders, which are about 2/3 the cost of name brand ones, only 2 points for a pretty hefty scoop and a whopping 25 grams of protein.

I added it to make these banana bread waffles – I am calling these banana bread waffles because they are slightly crisp on the outside, but bready in the best way possible like a slice of baked banana bread.

I was in a hurry this morning, and took these pictures really quick – I wish I would have added some sliced strawberries or blueberries to the photo for a pop of color – oh well!  If you love waffles, you can check out my carrot cake waffles – so good!

Happy Thursday friends – make it a great day!