In trying to reel in my indulgent eating on Sunday, I give you one of my favorite breakfasts – leftover steak picky plate!  Two ounces of steak (2), hard boiled eggs and fruit.  This kept me full for hours, and no wonder because it has nearly 25 grams of protein on that plate.

My sister and I took a late lunch – she had a messenger package to deliver and I tagged along while we got our steps in.

How cool is the lobby of this building?!

On the way back from our respective offices, we decided to accessorize our chili’s – she made chili too!  I got two sweet potato fries (3), a tablespoon of cheddar cheese (1) corn and chopped spinach, making this bowl 6 points of deliciousness.

I found this brand of black beans called Kuner’s (never saw it before!) and they have all different flavors of black beans.  The one I used for this chili was cumin and chili spices, and while these scan as points, I don’t count that shit – none of us got to WW because we ate too many canned black beans.  I love the spice of the Rotel tomatoes too.

This made two giant mason jars of chili.  If I don’t use the second mason jar this week, I’ll freeze it for later.


I had several day old pizza dough in my fridge that really needed to be used up.  It’s so sad that Trader Joe’s pulled their lite mozzarella – they are saying it was “packaging issues” but I feel that the nutritional information wasn’t correct.  So I had to spend EIGHT points on two ounces of cheese last night.  

I ended up only eating 3/4 of this for just over 11 points.  

Love that days old dough!  And I’ll be getting my nails redone this weekend – no worries šŸ˜€

I somehow found a bag of chocolate covered cocoa beans and last night before bed just mindlessly ate some – THEN looked up the points – 5!  So now I am back to -11 points for the week, but you know what?  I’ve tracked it all!  My sister and I have tracked everything for the last two weeks, so proud of us.

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!  And don’t eat like an asshole.