Overnight oats for the win yesterday.  Except I didn’t make them – my food plan has been a bit off this week, but it’s all good.  Freshii has a giant container of overnight oats – they call it muesli, but it’s oats.  I only used half the container, had yogurt in my work fridge and added a bit of Safe + Fair granola.  So delish – I love this summer breakfast.

Jenn and I explored our city at lunch!  It’s all about Rooftop Happy Hours and Restaurants.  First up – Raised in the Renaissance Hotel.  We were told that it doesn’t open until 4:00 p.m., but we went up to check it out anyway.  

Um, first of all the lobby of the Renaissance is incredible.

The doors were closed so we couldn’t get in there, but check look at that photo above.  So cool!

We went to a place called Arts and Artisans on Wacker Drive – we could have spent a whole hour in their looking at all their stuff.  If you have to buy something for someone who has everything, this is the place to go.

I loved loved that piece above.  I didn’t even want to look at the price tag, but it’s such a visual of putting one hand over the over, one foot in front of the other, to climb to your dreams.  #love

Next up – Rooftop Bar at the London House.  Just Wow.  If you have someone coming to visit Chicago, I would definitely suggest making a reservation here.  Awesome panoramic views of the city.  

I had to laugh because we took selfies in THREE different hotel elevators on our lunch break. 😀

It was all we could do not to ditch the afternoon and settle down to some drinks and apps.  I mean, that view?!

The view facing East.

We also went to The Wit Hotel, but that didn’t open until 2.  I said “um, do you know who we are?  We are the Biz and Jenn Show!”  That didn’t seem to pursuade the hotel staff to let us up.  How rude?! 😀

Here is another shitty picture of my lasagna made with my marinara sauce and meatballs I posted yesterday.  So good, even though I had about 10 seconds to take a photo before my blood sugar dropped too much.

I didn’t eat that soup until after 2:00 p.m. I got home and Hannah and Jacob were finishing their Asian feast – they made this delicious crunchy tofu with rice and veggies. I had a couple pieces of the tofu, but I wasn’t really hungry, so I started doing some computer work.

Jacob texted me at 9:30 asking “how much would I need to pay you to make me popcorn.” You see, I make a mean stove top popcorn – my late husband Tony had the best method and it’s perfect every time.

Well, the smell was so good, I made a small bowl for myself, and well, that was dinner! And there is nothing wrong with that. I had pork chops with a cauliflower mash on tap for dinner and I just didn’t feel like it.

So that means my macros are so far off this week, and I am so okay with that. If anything I’ve eaten more intuitively this week than I have for a long time. I was so set in breakfast/lunch/dinner – on Sunday I didn’t eat my first meal until 12:15 and I was fine!

I am so happy that I have the best of both worlds, living in the sticks where it’s quiet and the birds are chirping and foxes meander through the back yard, to working in Chicago and taking advantage of all the amazing restaurants and events.

Tony HATED Chicago. When I wasn’t working downtown, it could be two years between visits to Chicago, and usually that was to meet my Mom for a show.

Me? I love the hustle and bustle! Have you ever been to Chicago? What’s your favorite city?

Happy Thursday friends – make it a great day!