Morning and Happy Friday!

First, a little bit of housekeeping.  My DietBet starts on Monday!!  If you are interested, click on this link.  I plan on doing small weekly giveaways to keep us motivated.  Hope you join me!

My latest recipe is up on The Chopping Block!  Guys, these waffles are so good – they have two tablespoons of baking powder, which seems like a lot, but they are crispy on the outside, yet tender on the inside.  Paired with store bought chicken tenders, this would be a delicious brunch for company.  Or for yourself!  Each waffle is only 4 points.  

It was another rainy day in Chicago yesterday, and cold.  I don’t think it got more than 42 degrees.  Mother Nature – it’s May!

Chia pudding put me in a better mood.  I only missed the lemon curd in this version. šŸ˜€

I was planning on having more of my sweet potato and black bean soup that I added the sauerkraut and smoked sausage from the German fest tent for lunch yesterday.  But the sauerkraut?  It was a Bavarian sauerkraut that was sweet, and when it sat overnight, it was WAY too sweet.  

So I headed over to Veggie Grill.  Holy balls, if you don’t like Brussels sprouts, you need to eat them charred like this – so good!  I need to try to recreate these at home.  I had “chicken” fingers and paired it with some fruit.

It’s hilarious because my boss walked by and saw my plate and said “that’s way too many things on the plate!”  He can’t put fruit on a plate with other food – so crazy.

I intentionally didn’t take any insulin at lunch because I signed up for a 55 minute spin class after work.  The last time I checked it was at 4:55 and it was 276 and rising – perfect!

I had so many people reach out to me asking if I was okay – and yes, it was a planned high blood sugar.  By the time I finished class, walked the 8 blocks to the train, it was 121.  Perfect!

And guess what?  I didn’t die.  I thought I’d be super sore today, but I am okay.  I loved that I was able to keep up with most of it – but I had to tell you, my butt was a bit sore halfway through the ride – and my favorite part of spin class which I forgot was the standing “jogging.” 

Next time I’ll back my bathing suit and sit in the hot tub after class because I had a bit of time to kill before my train.  And I was super hungry.  Kudos to me for buying hard boiled eggs, a banana and apple for the hour and twenty minute train ride home – and I ate all of it. šŸ˜€

Mom, do you know what kind of flower that is?  So gorgeous!

I was home and started cooking at 9!  I usually go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 so there was plenty of time for cooking!  I made a smoky jalapeno pizza using Alouette cheese as the base.  Then added 2 ounces of taco meat, baby spinach, and Trader Joe’s light cheese.  Baked at 450 in my mini cast iron skillet for about 12 minutes.  Then topped it with 1 point of queso mixed with green salsa.  So good!  12.5 points for the whole thing, and #nsv – I only ate 3/4 of it. 

I made the skinny pizza dough right when I got home – the recipe is 22 points, no matter how long it rises, so 1/4 of the dough was 5.5 points.

I was tired and went to bed at 10:25 last night and woke up at 6:25 – a solid 8 hours – nice!  How many hours of sleep do you routinely get?  I wish I could give my gift of sleep to people – I can even drink a cup of coffee 5 minutes before going to bed and be asleep in five minutes.

So excited for tonight!  I am meeting my Instagram daughter Christina and her husband Paul and another instagrammer I haven’t met, Gina – at EATALY!  So excited – I haven’t been there in a few months.

You can check it out here.

I am looking forward to me WW meeting that I missed last week.  I had a great week.  I drank more water than wine, I moved a lot, and I still have 17 weeklies to use tonight if I need them.  #winning!

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!  And don’t eat like an asshole – Love, Biz