I’ve been hearing about Orange Theory all over Instagram, Facebook, etc.  Many of my local friends go to.  But I’ve never tried it out before, because frankly, I thought it would be over my skill level and it seemed really intense.  But last weekend as I was laying in bed scrolling through IG, there was an ad on my feed – “try us for free!”  Huh.

So I just filled out a tiny form, and thought I’d get an email with a link to sign up for the free class.  Nope.  I got a phone call – “Biz, try us out!”

Guess what?  I didn’t die.  In fact, I was pretty much able to keep up with everything – obviously at my own pace, but I did it.  It was rowing and squats with a medicine ball, circuit training with weights and then the treadmill.  It was 60 minutes long and it went by so fast.  The best part?  I didn’t have to think about anything – the coach was there telling you “okay, we are going to do one minute at your max” which for some people was walking at a higher incline on the treadmill, or me – get this – running an 8:34 and holding that for a whole minute. 

The only person standing in the way of me trying something new was, well – me!  So get outside your comfort zone – you may find you like it.  I did.  I bought a basic membership, which is 4 classes a month – totally doable.

 I don’t have a scale at home, so I had no idea how my weigh in would be on Saturday.  I went out FIVE times last week, including Hannah’s birthday dinner.  So I was pleasantly shocked that I lost another pound.

But then I thought about it.  When I had my happy hour last Monday, I ate mussels, had a few fries and a couple glasses of wine.  Tuesday for my WW meet up – I didn’t have bread, had a glass of wine and ate more mussels.  I balanced it out.  I could have easily ordered meatballs and pasta (it was an Italian restaurant after all!) but I made it work.  #winning

Saturday after WW I made a trip to my local Meijer Grocery Store.  I love that grocery store – just wish it wasn’t that far from my house (it’s not bad – like 12 miles!).  That’s were I can find Certified Angus Beef ® brand.  I bought filet mignon to freeze for my birthday, and bought this eye of round roast.

Eye of round is super economical as well as lean – there was a fat cap on the top, which I left because that lends flavor to the beef while it cooks. 

This cut is best cooked to medium rare and sliced thin across the grain.

My marinade was two tablespoons of Dak’s Seasoning Steakhouse seasoning mixed with 1 tablespoon grape seed oil.  I marinated the beef overnight.  I pulled the beef out two hours before cooking so that it had time to get to room temperature before cutting.

I cooked this on indirect heat.  I use a combination of lump charcoal and briquettes.  The reason being is that lump charcoal burns fast – if I had half briquettes that makes the lump charcoal last longer.  I don’t have to add more coals while cooking.

If you don’t have a meat thermometer, you need to get one.  And yes, I know that my grill needs to be deep cleaned.  😀

Jacob and I love our beef on the more rare side, so I pulled the beef off at 115 degrees.  I let it rest 30 minutes before slicing.

This one is inexpensive at $20 – I’ve had it for a couple years, just need to switch out the batteries at the beginning of the grilling season.

I wish I could tell you exactly how long this cooked, but I don’t pay attention to time, just temperature.  But my best guess would be about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Dak’s Spices has given me a discount code!  Save 10% on your order if you use my code Bizzy10.  They have so many salt free seasonings and they are all amazing – the steakhouse is hands down my favorite – the mustard seeds make this seasoning!  You can check them out here.

This was so good.  Super tender.  I have a meat slicer, so tonight I am going to slice this thin for cheezy beef sandwiches.  Yum!

Is there something you’ve been meaning to try, but are hesitating for some reason??  I am here to tell you that you can do it – just get out of your own way!

Happy Monday friends.  Make it a great day, and don’t eat like an asshole.

Love, Biz