This breakfast – I could literally eat every day and never get sick of it.  You know why?  Because it’s not overly sweet.  Gone are the days of my apple fritter eating days (I would buy two, because you know – one would never be enough – and that’s 32 points for 2 on the WW plan, just in case you are wondering).

Can we talk about that birthday cake granola from Safe + Fair?  So good!  The chia pudding isn’t sweet, the Greek yogurt is unsweetened, the only sweetness is from the fruit – so the sweet birthday cake granola is just enough to sweeten this whole dish – after that picture was taken I just swirled it all around so I got a taste of it in every bite.

If you have anyone in your family who has allergies, this company is for you.  They got to great lengths to make sure that their products are tree nut free, nut free, etc. – on the back of each package they let you know what the product is free from.  They have graciously given me a code that if you buy 4 things, you get 1 free + free shipping!  And their prices are reasonable – hence the name of the company – Safe + Fair.  You can check out my link here – the discount code is Biz.

And if you feel like learning more about the company, the CEO is doing a live Instagram today at 12:30 CST.

I was trying to do a fancy photo of my soup at lunch, and well, let’s say that didn’t work out too well.  This is my sweet potato and sausage soup – I promise to post it soon – it’s hearty and light at the same time.  It’s 6 points for two cups, but I used regular hot sausage – so good!

I got on the train and my blood sugar was 49 – dangit.  I ate this giant apple on the way home, and when I got home, my blood sugar was up to 70.  So no gym.

I thought – no big deal, I’ll just eat dinner and go to the gym.  Well, I had some chicken that I bought off of the meat bin on Saturday, and didn’t do what I tell all of you to do – use or freeze within 24 hours.  So the chicken tacos I was going to make?  That didn’t happen.

But I saw a package of cooked butternut squash that I bought at Walmart, and instantly thought of butternut squash queso!  I made a skinny version of Jessica’s from How Sweet Eats – that recipe can be found here.

But I didn’t have the time to go through those steps in that recipe, so I did a cheaters version – just threw the ingredients below in a blender, blended it up, and cooked it over medium heat for 5 minutes, until thickened.

Yep, I didn’t take a picture of the actual cheese (and don’t be jealous of my gorgeous open shelving!) so I took a screen shot from my Instagram stories – you’re welcome!

I find the alouette cheese in the deli section at Walmart, or buy the special cheeses by the deli at Jewel.  They range in price from $2.99 – $3.99 usually by me.

I didn’t have any other protein defrosted, so my filling?  Two eggs scrambled with 1/3 cup fat free refried beans and a tablespoon of my homemade hot sauce.  I used Tumaros low carb wrap for the burrito – I love these wraps!  Only 1 point each – the white is my favorite.

Yep, I know it looks like dog food.  But you know what it tasted like to me??  The bean burritos from Taco Bell!  Well, I fancied it up with the butternut squash queso – pretty sure they don’t have that at Taco Bell.

I rolled it up, topped it with some of the spicy queso, and copious amounts of cilantro, and dinner was served.

So while this wasn’t the intention of my original dinner, this turned out to be delicious.  Best part?  This whole plate is TWO POINTS!  Just one for the wrap and one for the sauce – my sauce is 4 servings for 1 point each.


I forgot to mention that I am giving away an air fryer!  Simple Living Products is allowing me to give away one of the XXL air fryers – you just need to click this link to enter – I winner will be announced on Friday.

(ignore the swipe up on that photo below – thanks!)

Can you believe it’s almost March?!  I know spring is around the corner – I’ll keep telling myself that through the snow and sub zero temps.

Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!  And don’t eat like an asshole 😀