Hannah makes an amazeball buffalo chicken dip every holiday.  She uses canned chicken (confident I never would have thought of that!) but it also has one cup of mayo AND about 6 cups of cheese.  It’s spectacular.

I decided to make a lower point version and my first step was using Alouette cheese spread – the garlic and herb – look at all that deliciousness!  I really could eat that out of the container – without crackers its low carb, right?!

I added Greek yogurt, just a bit of whipped cream cheese, and I bought two giant bone in chicken breasts off the meat bin.  I baked them at 400 for 45 minutes, let them cool, and used 2 cups chopped in the dip.

I used my Lodge cast iron skillet that my sister gave me – it’s 8 inches and I love it.   Check out this awesome blog post my friend Tom did on The Chopping Block’s blog – it’s a great reference on how to care for cast iron.  Other than the one my sister bought me, I bought all my cast iron skillets for under $5 at garage sales and thrift stores.  I have 11 of them, so I am a bit obsessed.  Tom’s blog also has instructions on how to reseason your skillet if it gets rusty – it’s not ruined!  Just needs a little TLC.

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes – it got nice and bubbly.  While I would have loved to add crumbled blue cheese, I subbed in fat free feta – an ounce is zero points on the WW plan.  Then added chopped celery, and with chips or sliced cucumbers, this is a perfect dip for family and friends.

Best part?  This whole recipe is only 10 points!  And so many possibilities with the leftovers!


The perfect bite!

In a small pan I melted 1 tablespoon of I Can’t Believe It Not Butter and a tablespoon of flour.  Cook for 1 minute.  Stir in 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 cup of the buffalo chicken dip (1) and 1/2 cup cooked pasta and cook for 3 minutes until the cheese sauce gets thick.  Top with feta cheese and chopped celery and you’ve got a delicious buffalo chicken pasta.

I used 2 points of the filling to make buffalo chicken taquitos in my air fryer.  So good!  I microwaved two corn tortillas for 20 seconds, filled with the buffalo chicken dip, rolled up and sprayed with Pam.  I baked in my air fryer for 6 minutes, seam side down at 400 degrees, flipped and baked for 4 minutes at 380 degrees.

And yesterday for lunch I made potato skins in my air fryer, using the buffalo chicken dip for a filling.

I baked potatoes in my microwave on baked potato setting.  Once cooled, I cut in half and scooped out the pulp.  Each half of the potato was 2 ounces.  I brushed the inside and outside with grape seed oil, then baked in the air fryer, skin side up, at 400 degrees for 8 minutes, flipped and stuffed the buffalo chicken dip in the inside.  Baked again for 4 minutes at 400 degrees, topped with Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella and baked 2 additional minutes. So crispy!

 One of the most asked questions of late with my recipes is “Biz, how would I cook that in my air fryer?”  And my answer was always “I don’t have one, so I don’t know.”

Well, Simple Living Products sent me their 5.8 quart air fryer to try out (giveaway coming soon!) and I tested it out this weekend.

I did learn after the first day that you can preheat it like an oven, usually 5 minutes is plenty.  I am looking forward to using it more, but truth be told, I think Hannah and Jacob will use it more than me and that makes me happy.  Anytime they can save money by cooking at home instead of eating out is a win for me!

I had WW on Saturday and was convinced I had a three pound gain because I was -48 points for the week.  I was surprised that I was only up .8!  But I realize that I have to be extra careful this week – I can’t go into this week thinking “I ate all those points and only gained .8!”  I am proud to say that I tracked everything this weekend – part of my 100 days of tracking.  And I didn’t have any alcohol – go me!  I’ve decided that unless I am out, I don’t need the extra points during the week having wine at home.

I even tracked my licks, tastes and bites from recipe testing!

Can’t wait to share my meatball soup tomorrow – so good!

I don’t even remember if I mentioned the new addition to our family on the blog – but it was short-lived. 

Dallas is an English bulldog Mastiff mix – and he unfortunately was too aggressive with Roman.  Roman would just be laying there and Dallas would just attack him for no reason.  

He also had extreme food aggression issues, and we think he’d be best in a home where he is the only dog.  The rescue was understanding (and I secretly think they knew that but were hoping for the best).

Happy Monday!  Do you have the day off?  Hannah and Jacob are off today, and my sister has the day off too – lucky!  Hopefully I’ll just have a productive day, not crazy busy day.

Make it a great day!

Disclaimer: I was provided the Alouette Cheese free of charge.  All opinions regarding this product are my own.  #ad #sponsored