Days like today make me miss my husband. We didn’t do grand gestures for Valentine’s Day – other than buying me flowers and edible arrangements, we would just cook a nice dinner at home – perfect!

We went out to eat on Valentine’s Day once and only once. It was a new restaurant and I looked at the menu, saw things that both he and I would enjoy and the prices weren’t too outrageous. I made the reservations and we were all set!
Until we got there and realized it was a Chef’s Tasting prefix menu – you didn’t get to order anything, it was 10 courses from the Chef, everyone got the same thing, and you could do wine pairings with the courses.
Part of me was like “we should just go” but he know how much I loved trying new foods at restaurants. Well, our prefix dinner with drink (without tip!) was $150 per person. $300 total. With tip was $360. That was more than one of our car payments at the time!
And guess what? We were still hungry after all that and hit up Burger King on the way home.
I miss his face. The way he could make me laugh and that he told me I was beautiful he was alive.
I hope you enjoy your Valentine’s Day no matter what you do. Me? I’ll spend it in the kitchen tonight – my happy place.
Make it a great day!
Beautiful story! So sorry for your loss! When did your husband pass away? I’m new here and would love to hear more of your story.
Thank you! He passed away 4 years ago of congestive heart failure, but was pretty much sick on and off the last 7 years of our marriage.
There’s our story from when it started 😀
It’s ok to get teary eyed when missing your husband. I lost mine at age 50 and still get that way. The sign in my office says ” I walk down memory lane because I enjoy running into you!”
Aw, so sorry for your loss too. But I love that sign! Hugs!
Biz you are such a beautiful person inside & out. Don’t ever feel less than. You give yourself, ur real self, every day & that is something rare. I am sorry for your loss & can only imagine the void. But I’m sure he’s watching over you being ever so proud.
Thank you Karen! I appreciate it!
Biz!!!! You are beautiful inside and out ! Today and always and have touched so many with this beautiful message ….. I’m so sorry for your loss ….. he would be so proud of you and want you to be happy ….. Julie ww_meets_mindfulness
Thanks Julie 😀
Happy Heart Day Biz. You put so much much love into the world with your food, your sense of humor and your tough spirit. Thanks for putting a smile on my face and happiness in my heart every single day. Now if I could only get you to cook vegan food for me personally life would be extra great. Hugs
Ha! Love it – I actually have a few vegan recipes up my sleeve for my daughter in law. Hugs! We need to meet up soon!
You are such a beautiful soul Biz. I am so honored that we crossed paths and are great friends now!
Me too Tia! I am so proud of YOU!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you! You bring light and laughter to so many. Have an amazeballs day and know that you are loved by many 😉
Thank you Julie! 😀 Hugs!
You bring such joy and awesomeness into the lives of so many. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thanks Kym – thanks for being so supportive through the years 😀
Happy Valentine’s Day Biz – you are loved – family, friends (real and internet ;), pets, co-workers; so many of us love your words and the light you bring to us every day! Thank you! Don’t forget to have a special treat today and Shine like a Diamond!! xo
Love you Lynne – thank you!!
Love your post. Sounds like your hubs is someone we would have all liked to know. So sorry for your loss. Did he like to cook?
He was an awesome cook! You can check out his fried rice video here:
❤️ what a great memory! Today is also a day for me to remember V Day with my late husband. Have a great day and I hope you find some chicken sausage to go with your pasta 🍝 🙂. I look firward to your stories every morning… and lunch and evening!
So sorry for your loss – sending big hugs your way!!
Happy Valentine’s Day Biz. This is a beautiful post.
Hope you had a great day Kimberly! 😀
You are beautiful, Biz. And you bring comfort to lots of people – through your words AND your food! XO.
Thanks Michelle!