My late husband hated biscuits.  Much like my scones, he had a bad one once, and said he’d never eat another one.  Seriously, in 1985 he was in a business meeting in California, and he reached for what he thought was some sort of donut, took one bite of a scone and said he’d never eat another one – and he never did, no matter how many times I begged him to try one of mine.

The only way he would eat a biscuit?  Smothered in sausage gravy.  Nothing wrong with that!

I’ve been using Ed’s recipe for biscuits.  If you haven’t checked out his website, you need to – so many great family WW recipes there.  

The only change I make is that I shred my butter into the flour.  I add salt.  And I used unsweetened almond milk because that’s what I had on hand.

I knew Hannah and Jacob wouldn’t want blueberries in theirs, so I divided the dough in half. I used a biscuit cutter for theirs, and I just cut mine with a knife.

It’s a tacky dough, and that’s fine.

Just a rough chop of the blueberries, then knead the dough into the blueberries.


These are light, flakey, buttery.  So good.  The perfect star of my breakfast yesterday – an egg, steak and cheese biscuit.  This worked on so many levels.  First, the biscuit stayed together from the first bite to the last.  The salty note of the cheese and butter was a great balance to the blueberries.  And the steak was just an added bonus.

I toasted the biscuit when I got to work and it tasted like it just came out of the oven.  I love how melty the Trader Joe’s cheese is.  The biscuit was 4 points, the steak was 1, the cheese was 1 – so this was a 6 point breakfast.  Super filling too!

Jenn and I did a bunch of errands yesterday at lunch.  We couldn’t pull the trigger on this journal, but I wouldn’t get anything done except touch the front of this journal!

My $5 new york strip morphed into three meals – love it!  This was basically the leftovers from my dinner on Sunday, with some fruit on the side.  5 points of deliciousness and 22 grams of protein.  

When I got home I got a special gift from one of my followers Jamie!  She hand made me a hat and scarf, and some knitted dish rags, among other things.  I am so blessed – thank you so much Jamie!!

I didn’t take too many pictures of my dinner, but they are still on my Instagram stories if you want to check it out.  I bought bruschetta from Trader Joe’s and it’s delicious.  1 point for 2 tablespoons.  I just stuff chicken with some of the Trader Joe’s cheese, used some of the Italian blast seasoning from Dak’s, then pan seared it in a bit of grape seed oil.  It took about 10 minutes over medium heat, flipping after 5 minutes.  On the side I had green beans and mushrooms and half a baked potato.

You’re welcome for the cheese tongue.  This was so tasty.  I can’t wait to make this again and I’ll do a proper recipe post.

Happy Tuesday friends!  Go make some biscuits and thank Ed for the recipe.  Make it a great day and don’t eat like an asshole.  Love, Biz

p.s.  I knew my print recipe button isn’t working – I need to fix that – thanks for being patient! 😀