Hey guys! I hope you are lucky and have today off. Me? I’m on my way to work and it’s still dark out.

I’m feeling 20% better, which means I feel 80% like shit. My only saving grace is the office is closing early, so hopefully that will work out for me.

This was me yesterday- on the couch with the dogs all day. I’d just be watching a movie (watched a great documentary on Jane Fonda) and then drift off to sleep without knowing it.

I had a long list of things to do, but didn’t do one. Thankfully I have a daughter who is not only not sick but loves to clean.

My refrigerator was a hot mess.

Yeah! Thanks Hannah!

In my haze to leave earlier than usual this morning, I forgot my headphones and my laptop. Guess that means I’ll take another nap into work 😆 not hating that idea!

Happy Hew Years Eve! I hope whatever you do, you have fun and be safe. I’ll be doing dry January again too – third year in a row! Let me know if your in with me!

I’m happy to report that I maintained my weight in December! -.8 for the month – it’s a miracle, but I’m glad I stuck with my plan of not eating like an asshole from Halloween to Christmas. How is it you can gain 10 pounds in two months and it takes 4 months to lose it?!

I picked 6 days of no tracking from Halloween to Christmas and that worked.

Tonight, Hannah and Jacob are going to his grandpas house and I will be home, snuggled with the dogs and hope to stay awake until 10. 😆

Happy Monday – make it a great day!