There were 90 entries on my blog Baking Steel giveaway – much better odds than the 745 entries on my Instagram!

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December 21, 2018 at 8:57 am

My go to pizza toppings right now are mushrooms, black olives, and banana peppers. YUM.
PS – I made a #showeromelette this morning and I’m LOVING that technique. THANK YOU for sharing that! XO.

Congrats!  Shoot me an email at with your address.

We had a wonderful Christmas, even though I was sick most of the weekend.  I think I have bronchitis – again.  While I “felt” okay – I was tired most of the time, and had this nagging cough if I tried to do too much.  Saturday and Sunday ended up being lay on the couch with the dogs days, although I did venture out and do all my Christmas shopping in 2 hours and 20 minutes on Saturday.

Christmas Eve is an appetizer night – and my internet connection is slow on the train and my pictures aren’t uploading, but Hannah made her famous buffalo chicken dip, spinach and artichoke dip, pigs in a blanket.  I decided to make a “healthiesh” charcuterie – by making zero point deviled eggs, fruits, pickled peppers with a few indulgences.  I did great that day food wise!

Christmas Day we had Prime Rib and grilled turkey.  It’s a tradition in Jacob’s family to have prime rib, and while it isn’t my favorite cut of beef, it was delicious.  We cooked it at 450 for the first 30 minutes, dropped the temp to 325 and cooked it until an internal temperature to 120 – the residual heat brought it up to 130.  Nice!

I made an amazing beef bone broth out of the pan drippings that’s going to morph into an amazeball ramen soup later this week.

I was able to put my grill pants on yesterday – I did a turkey breast on the Weber on indirect heat until it reached an internal temp of 160.  I let both meats rest for 30 minutes.  

Trying to get the dogs to look at the camera proved impossible.  I love this pic though.

My Mom spent the day with us (well, me, since I am her favorite!)

Jacob’s grandpa and Mom were with us too.  

And Rummy, I feel you – that’s the look I had last night when I realized I had to go to work today.

I had to laugh because Hannah and Jacob got me an adult coloring book called Eat A Bag of Dicks – do you they get me or what?!  That one was supposed to say “don’t fuck with me during avocado season.”  Someone on Instagram suggested it should have said “during delicata squash season” and I fixed that. 😀

Hannah made this delicious chocolate cake – in case you were wondering, this was insulin worthy.

My favorite gift of the day?  Was from Jacob.  This was so sweet that it made me cry.  He’s been my son in law for just over a year, but he’s been my “roommate” for 4 years now, and even though I love to hug him and he doesn’t like it – I am glad he knows that I love him!!  

And I am back to work today – for a short week, so I can’t complain.  I plan on going to the minute clinic at lunch today for a Z-pak – that should kick this cough to the curb.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!