I am getting a kick out of my morning greeting – I have so many people sending me videos of them either waking their kids up with “happy Monday!!!” or tagging me when they say it to their followers – makes me so happy!

I took a screen shot of the awesomeness šŸ˜†

I felt so much better yesterday. So many people reached out – some who have followed me for years and never commented before to send virtual hugs.

I don’t know if it’s the end of the year mindset of get my shit together but I have to choose to be happy with the life I have now. Does it suck that my husband isn’t here with me? Yep. But that’s life.

Guys. This breakfast parfait was amazeballs. I forgot how thick Fage yogurt is. I made oatmeal at home so it had cooled by the time I got to work. It’s got fresh pear, a bit of granola and a drizzle of sugar free pancake syrup for a bit of sweetness. 4 point breakfast.

I had an insanely busy day yesterday – like work through lunch and I worked until 7 pm. My one boss brought me two tacos from a lunch he attended. They were just wrapped in foil. Once the conference room was clear, I went back in to accessorize my tacos with greens, diced tomato and a shit ton of cilantro šŸ˜¬

I counted lunch at 8 points. It was funny because after I dressed my tacos up, my boss said “where did you get that?” Um, shouldn’t he know by now that I have to make my plate of food pretty?

The city looks so pretty at night.

I didn’t get home until 9. There are no express trains so it makes all the stops.

Hannah and Jacob had Jacobs Dad over for dinner so I used some of their Chinese food to make a stir fry with chicken I had defrosted.

It was just okay – by the time I reheated the veggies they weren’t crisp tender anymore šŸ¤Ŗ but since I ate so late, I didn’t eat like an asshole! Day 4 of Thanksgiving reboot was a success šŸ‘Œ

I hope you have an amazing day and find something in your day that brings you happiness. Be thankful for what you have. And decide to be happy šŸ˜ƒ

Happy Fridaaayyy friends. Make it a great day!