Sweet baby Jesus work was crazeballs yesterday.  The attorneys are on a retreat this weekend, so they won’t be in the office today, coupled by the fact that it’s a Jewish holiday on Monday, so all three of my attorneys wanted all the work done before they left.  I got in early knowing that it was going to be busy but I had no idea.  I not only never took lunch, I never ate lunch!  I had plans on going to the farmers market and picking up food there for lunch.

Thank goodness for these muffins though!  I had a muffin with a hard-boiled egg, banana and strawberries – no picture taken, so you know I was busy!  I brought two muffins and ate the second muffin around 3.  If you missed it – I posted the recipe yesterday for these low point banana muffins with crackle topping.  

Each one is three freestyle points, no matter how many you have.  I hate when one of something is 3 points on Weight Watchers, but then if you have two it will be like 8 points – #weightwatchermath

I was supposed to meet my friend Sam at 5:15 before his class started at The Chopping Block last night to pick up the knife he handcrafted for my 10 year giveaway.  But I worked late, and didn’t get there until 6 and class started at 6:30, so I had to hurry.  I had hopes of walking through the shop for an IG story, but I had to catch the last express train.  He did an amazing job!  If you are on Instagram, it’s still up on my story.

I was home by 8 – not too bad!  I defrosted some Certified Angus Beef New York strip the night before in my fridge, so this dinner was ready in about 20 minutes.  This plate was 9 points in all – I only ate 4 ounces of the beef.  So many people ask me why I take the time to make a nice dinner for myself, especially when I work late.  Well, cooking soothes my soul, so it’s my favorite thing to do after a long day.  And I’m worth it!  

I was balls to the wall yesterday trying to get everything done, when I saw that Hannah sent me a text.  After a recent not so nice comment left on my blog, she sent me this snipet below:

So the message is “you do you boo.”  I am not going to change how I talk, dress, wear makeup, or not – to please anyone but myself.  My late husband Tony always told me that I was beautiful the way I was – he knew me at 130 pounds up to 180 pounds and his love for me never waned.  How lucky was I?!

So I am just going to keep on, keeping on.  And I hope you’ll continue to enjoy following my ride 😀

Happy Friyay my friends – make it a great day!